The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) officials have furnished the APPSC Group 1 Syllabus & Exam Pattern. Individuals who have applied for APPSC Group 1 Posts should thoroughly review the Group 1 Syllabus for the upcoming APPSC Exam.
The officials have also made the APPSC Group 1 syllabus available in Telugu on their web portal. You can download the Andhra Pradesh Group 1 Exam Topics & pattern from this article.
The latest APPSC Group 1 prelims and mains syllabus for the year 2023 is provided at the end of the page.
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APPSC Group 1 Syllabus – Details
Organization Name | Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) |
Post Name | Deputy Collectors, Road Transport Officers (RTOs), Commercial Tax Officers (CTOs), District Registrar (Stamps and Registrations), District Tribal Welfare Officer, District Social Welfare Authority, District BC Welfare Officer, DSP (Civil), DSP (Prisons/ Men), District Fire Officer (DFO), Assistant Labor Commissioner, Municipal Commissioner, Municipal Commissioner Grade-2, Deputy Registrar (Cooperative Department), Lay Secretary And Treasurer Grade-2, ATO / AAO (Treasury Department), AAO (DSA) (State Audit Department), AO (Director and Public Health and Family Welfare), AOPDO |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Andhra Pradesh |
Official Website | |
APPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern
Screening Test (Prelims)
Negative Marks: As per G.O. Ms. No.235 Finance (HR-I, Plg & Policy) Dept., Dt.06/ 12/ 2016, each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/ 3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
Name Of Subject | Time Duration | Total Number of Questions & Marks |
Screening Test (Objective Type) Paper -I General Studies. This paper consists of 04 parts i.e., ABCD each part carries 30 marks. | 120 Minutes | 120 Questions & 120 Marks |
Screening Test (Objective Type) Paper -II General Aptitude. This paper consists of 2 parts i.e., A and B each part carries 60 Marks (Part A: 60 Marks, Part – B (i) 30 Marks and B (ii) 30 marks. General Mental Ability, Administrative and Psychological Abilities. | 120 Minutes | 120 Questions & 120 Marks |
Mains (Descriptive Type) Paper In Telugu | Qualifying Nature | 150 Marks |
Mains (Descriptive Type) Paper In English | Qualifying Nature | 150 Marks |
Main Exam Paper 1: General Essay – on contemporary themes and issues of regional, national and international importance. | 150 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Main Exam Paper 2: History and Cultural and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh | 150 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Main Exam Paper 3: Polity, constitution, Governance, Law, and Ethics | 150 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Main Exam Paper 4: Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh | 150 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Main Exam Paper 5: Science, Technology, and Environmental Issues | 150 Marks | 180 Minutes |
Personality Test | 75 Marks | |
TOTAL Marks | 825 Marks |
APPSC Group 1 Syllabus (Prelims & Mains)
- Indus Valley Civilization: Features, Sites, Society, Cultural History, Art, and Religion.
- Vedic Age- Mahajanapadas, Religions-Jainism, and Buddhism. The Maghadas, the Mauryan, Foreign invasions on India and their impact, the Kushans. The Sathavahanas the Sangam Age, the Sungas, the Gupta Empire -their Administration- Social, Religious, and Economic conditions-Art, Architecture, Literature, Science, and Technology.
- The Kanauj and their Contributions, South Indian Dynasties – The Badami Chalukyas, the Eastern Chalukyas, the Rastrakutas, the Kalyani Chalukyas, the Cholas, the Hoyasalas, the Yedavas, the Kakatiyas, and the Reddis.
- The Delhi Sultanate, the Vijaynagar Empire and the Mughal Empire, the Bhakti Movement and Sufism – Administration, Economy, Society, Religion, Literature, Arts and Architecture.
- The European Trading companies in India- their struggle for supremacy-with special reference to Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Mysore, Andhra and Nizam, GovernorGenerals and Viceroys.
- Indian War of Independence of 1857 – Origin, Nature, causes, consequences and significance with special reference to Concerned State, Religious and Social Reform Movements in 19th century in India and Concerned State, India’s Freedom Movement, Revolutionaries in India and Abroad.
- Mahatma Gandhi, his thoughts, Principles and Philosophy. Important Satyagrahas, the Role of Sardar Patel, Subash Chandrabose in Freedom Movement and Post – independence consolidation. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, his life and contribution to making of Indian Constitution, India after Independence – Reorganization of the States in India.
- Indian Constitution: Evolution, features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Amendments, Significant Provisions, and Basic Structure.
- Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament and State Legislatures: Structure, Function, Power, and Privileges. Issues and challenges pertaining to Federal Structure: Devolution of Power and Finances up to local levels and Challenges therein.
- Constitutional Authorities: Powers, Functions and Responsibilities – Panchayati Raj – Public Policy and Governance.
- Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization on Governance – Statutory, Regulatory, and Quasi-judicial bodies.
- Rights Issues (Human rights, Women’s rights, SC/ ST rights, Child rights), etc.
- India’s Foreign Policy — International Relations — Important Institutions, Agencies and Fora, their structure and mandate – Important Policies and Programmes of Central and State Governments.
- Basic characteristics of Indian Economy as a developing economy – Economic development since independence objectives and achievements of planning – NITI Ayog and its approach to economic development – Growth and distributive justice – Economic development Human Development Index – India’s rank in the world – Environmental degradation and challenges – Sustainable Development – Environmental Policy
- National Income and its concepts and components –India’s National Accounts – Demographic issues – Poverty and Inequalities – Occupational Structure and Unemployment – Various Schemes of employment and poverty eradication – Issues of Rural Development and Urban Development
- Indian Agriculture –Irrigation and water – Inputs of agriculture – Agricultural Strategy and Agricultural Policy – Agrarian Crisis and land reforms – Agricultural credit – Minimum Support Prices -Malnutrition and Food Security – Indian Industry – Industrial Policy – Make-in India – Start-up and Stand-up programmes – SEZs and Industrial Corridors – Energy and Power policies – Economic Reforms – Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalization –International Trade and Balance of Payments – India and WTO
- Financial Institutions – RBI and Monetary Policy – Banking and Financial Sector Reforms – Commercial Banks and NPAs – Financial Markets –Instabilities – Stock Exchanges and SEBI – Indian Tax System and Recent changes – GST and its impact on Commerce and Industry – Centre, States financial relations- Financial Commissions – Sharing of resources and devolution – Public Debt and Public Expenditure – Fiscal Policy and Budget
- The characteristics/ basic features of Andhra Pradesh economy after bifurcation in 2014 – Impact of bifurcation on the endowment of natural resources and state revenue – disputes of river water sharing and their impact on irrigation – new challenges to industry and commerce – the new initiatives to develop infrastructure –power and transport -information technology and e-governance – Approaches to development and initiatives in agriculture, industry and social sector – Urbanisation and smart cities – Skill development and employment – social welfare programmes
- A.P. Reorganisation Act, 2014 – Economic Issues arising out of bifurcation – Central government’s assistance for building a new capital, compensation for loss of revenue, development of backward districts – Issues such as Vizag railway zone, Kadapa steel factory, Dugarajapatnam airport, Express ways and industrial corridors etc., – Special Status and Special Assistance- Controversy – Government’s stand and measure.
- General Geography: Earth in Solar system, Motion of the Earth, Concept of time, Season, Internal Structure of the Earth, Major landforms and their features. Atmosphere-structure and composition, elements and factors of Climate, Airmasses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances, and climate change. Oceans: Physical, chemical and biological characteristics, Hydrological Disasters, Marine and Continental resources.
- Physical: World, India, and concerned State: Major physical divisions, Earthquakes, landslides, Natural drainage, climatic changes and regions, Monsoon, Natural Vegetation, Parks and Sanctuaries, Major Soil types, Rocks, and Minerals.
- Social: World, India and concerned State: distribution, density, growth, Sex-ratio, Literacy, Occupational Structure, SC and ST Population, Rural-Urban components, Racial, tribal, religious and linguistic groups, urbanization, migration and metropolitan regions.
- Economic: World, India and concerned State: Major sectors of economy, Agriculture, Industry and Services, their salient features. Basic Industries-Agro, mineral, forest, fuel and manpower based Industries, Transport and Trade, Pattern and Issues.
- Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
- Number Series, Coding-Decoding.
- Problems Related to Relations.
- Shapes and their Sub-sections, Venn Diagram.
- Problems based on Clocks, Calendar and Age.
- Number system and order of Magnitude.
- Ratio, proportion and variation.
- Central Tendencies – mean, median, mode — including weighted mean.
- Power and exponent, Square, Square Root, Cube Root, H.C.F. and L.C.M.
- Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and loss.
- Time and Work, Time and Distance, Speed and Distance.
- Area and Perimeter of Simple Geometrical Shapes, Volume and Surface Area of Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, cubes and Cuboids.
- Lines, angels and common geometrical figures — properties of transverse and parallel lines, properties of triangles, quadrilateral, rectangle, parallelogram and rhombus.
- Introduction to algebra — BODMAS, simplification of weird symbols.
- Data interpretation, Data Analysis, Data sufficiency, and concepts of Probability.
- Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and analyzing emotions, Dimensions of emotional intelligence, coping with emotions, empathy and coping with stress.
- Social Intelligence, interpersonal skills, Decision making, Critical thinking, problem solving and Assessment of personality.
- Integration of Science, Technology and Innovation for better human life; Science & Technology in everyday life; National Policies on proliferation of Science, Technology and Innovation; India’s contribution in the field of Science and Technology. Concerns and challenges in the proliferation and use of science and technology; Role and Scope of Science and Technology in nation building. Major Scientific institutes for Science and technology in AP and India. Major Scientific Institutes for Research and Development in AP and India. Achievements of Indian Scientist in the field of Science and Technology-Indigenous technologies and developing new technologies.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – its importance, advantages and challenges; E-governance and India; Cyber Crime and policies to address security concerns. Government of India Policy on Information Technology (IT). IT Development in AP and India.
- Indian Space Programme – Past, Present and Future; Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) — it’s activities and achievements; Satellite Programmes of India and Use of Satellites in different fields like Health, Education, Communication Technology, Weather forecasting affecting human lives; Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
- Indian’s energy needs, efficiency and resources; Clean energy resources; Energy policy of India – Government Policies and Programmes. Conventional and Non Conventional energy resources. Energy demands, Indian Energy Sciences, Conventional energy powers, Tharmal, renewable energy resources, Solar, wind, Bio and wasted based, energy policies Geotharmal and Tidel Sources, energy Policies in India, energy security. Salient features of Nuclear Policy of India; Development of Nuclear programmes in India, Nuclear Policies at the International level and India’s stand on them.
- Development Vs. Nature / Environment; Depletion of Natural Resources- Metals, Minerals — Conservation Policy. Environmental Pollution Natural and Anthropogenic and Environmental degradation. Sustainable Development — possibilities and challenges; Climate Change and Its effect on the world; Climate justice — a global phenomenon; Environment Impact Assessment, Natural Disasters — Cyclones, Earth Quakes, Landslides & Tsunamis — Prediction Management. Correlation between Health & Environment, Social Forestry, Afforestation and deforestation, Mining in AP and India. Types of Natural resources- renewable and Nonrenewable. Forest resources. Fishery resources. Fossil Fuels- Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mineral resources. Water resources — Types, Water shed management. Land resources — types of soils and soil reclamation.
- Environmental pollution and Solid waste management: Sources, impacts and control of – air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Noise pollution. Solid waste management – Types of solid waste, impacts of solid waste, recycling and reuse. Remedial measurers for Soil erosion and Costal erosion. Global Environmental issues and role of information Technology in Environment and Human Health, Ozone layer depletion, Acid rain. Global Warming and its impacts. Environmental legislation: International Law, Montreal protocol, Kyoto protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change, CITES. The Environment (Protection) act 1986, Forest conservation Act, Wildlife protection act. Biodiversity Bill of India – cop 21 – Sustainable Development Goals – National Disaster Management Pollicy, 2016 of India and Disaster management initiatives in India. White Revolution, Green Revolution, and Green Pharmacy.
- Nature, Scope and Applications of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in India; Ethical, Social and Legal concerns, Government policies; Genetic engineering, issues related to it and its impact on human life. Bio – diversity, fermentation, Immuno – diagnosistechniques.
- Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology. Promotion of Science in AP and India.