Visit this page to access information about the APPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus. The higher authorities of the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission are preparing to conduct the exam on the specified date for positions such as Junior Assistant, Junior Assistant-Typist, Typist, Steno/Typist, and Junior Stenographer. Therefore, carefully read through the entire page to gather comprehensive details about the APPSC Computer Assistant Syllabus. To facilitate candidates, a direct link for checking and downloading the APPSC Group 4 Syllabus PDF is provided. Please scroll down to find more details about the APPSC Group 4 Exam Syllabus, along with the APPSC Group 4 Exam Pattern for the same year.
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APPSC Group 4 Syllabus
The exam will be in two phases. Written Examination (Objective Type) for 300 Marks of subjects General Studies & Mental Ability, General English & General Telugu (75 marks each & SSC Standard). There is negative marking for written examination, for each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question. The computer Proficiency test will be conducted for 50 marks.
APPSC Group 4 Exam Pattern
Get the complete structure of the exam by referring to this section. Candidates who are eagerly waiting to know the complete APPSC Exam Pattern can get all those details from the following table. This section will give you the details of the name of the subject, the number of questions, the number of marks, and the time duration of the examination. Also, the type of exam can be known by referring to the exam pattern. All the candidates must have a complete idea of the exam pattern before and prepare along with the APPSC Group 4 Syllabus Telugu.
Name of the Subject | Number of Questions/ Number of Marks | Time Duration |
Paper 1: General Studies & Mental Ability | 150 Questions & 150 Marks | 150 Minutes |
Paper 2: General English & General Telugu (75 marks each & SSC Standard) | 150 Questions & 150 Marks | 150 Minutes |
Total Marks: 300
- NEGATIVE MARKS: As per G.O. Ms. No.235 Finance (HR-I, Plg & Policy) Dept., Dt.06/12/2016, for each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
- The medium of question paper will be in English and Telugu languages.
- Computer Proficiency Test (Qualifying Test) for eligible candidates in the ratio of 1:2 with reference to a total number of vacancies notified.
APPSC Group 4 Exam Syllabus
Get the APPSC Group 4 Syllabus for the posts of Junior Assistant, Junior Assistant-Typist, Typist, Steno/ Typist, and Junior Stenographer from the direct link which is attached at the end of the page. For the sake of the exam-appearing candidates, we have also given the APPSC Group 4 Syllabus PDF Download link that can make it easy for your reference.
- Events of national and international importance.
- Current affairs- international, national and regional.
- General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and information Technology.
- Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis:
- Tabulation of data
- Visual representation of data
- Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
- Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/ problems.
- Comprehension
- Usage and idioms
- Vocabulary and punctuation
- Logical re-arrangement of sentences
- Grammar
- Synonyms & Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Telugu to English meanings
- English to Telugu meanings
- Usage and idiom
Syllabus for Computer Proficiency Test
WORD (Part-A)
- Create and save a document using MS WORD
- Deletion of Character, Word, line and block of text
- Undo and redo process
- Moving, Copying and renaming
- Format the Text document
- Character formatting
- Paragraph formatting
- Page formatting
- Spell check the document
- Finding and Replacing of text
- Bookmarks and Searching for a Bookmarks
- Checking Spelling and Grammar automatically
- Checking Spelling and Grammar using Dictionary
- Print the document
- Print Preview
- Print Dialog box
- Mail Merge in Ms-word
- Create main document and data file for mail merging
- Merging the files
- From letters using mail merging
- Mailing labels using mail merging
- Table creation in Ms-word
- Create a table in the document
- Add row, column to a table
- Changing column width and row height.
- Merge, split cells of table.
- Use formulae in tables.
- Sorting data in a table.
- Formatting a table.
- Ability to type on Qwerty key board of Computer at a speed of at least equivalent to 30 Words per 1 minute (Lower type writing test).
EXCEL (Part-B)
- Create and save a new work book in Excel
- Entering Data into Worksheet
- Editing data of Worksheet
- Formatting the text in the cells
- Formatting the numbers in the cells.
- Formatting cells.
- Copying format of cell along with data format.
- Changing the height and width of cells.
- Freezing Titles, splitting screen
- Enter formulae for calculation in the cells.
- Copying the formula over a range of cells.
- Inserting built-in functions in to the cells.
- Create graphs for the data using Chart Wizard.
- Format graphs in Excel.
- Printing of worksheet.
- Create and save a new presentation using MS Power Point
- Layout of opening screen in Power Point
- The tool bars in MS Power Point
- Choose Auto Layout for a new slide.
- Insert text and pictures into a blank slide.
- Insert new slides into the presentation.
- Apply slide transition effects.
- Slide show.
- Set animation to text and pictures in a slide
- Set the sounds, order and timing for animation.
- Creation and manipulation of databases
- Browse the Net using Browser software (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.)
- Search the Web using Search Engines.
- Create an E-mail account.
- Send and receive E-mail.
- E-commerce transactions.
- Web content uploading.
- Ability to operate Mac OS / pages / key note / Numbers.