The most recent and updated APPSC Non-Gazetted Syllabus is now available in comprehensive detail. As the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) intends to conduct the Written Test for various Non Gazetted Posts including Sample Taker, District Probation Officer, Technical Assistant (Geo Physics), Assistant Inspector of Fisheries, Town Planning & Building Overseer, Junior Translator, Industrial Promotion Officer, and Food Safety Officer, all candidates are advised to review the APPSC Non Gazetted Exam Syllabus on this page. The APPSC Non Gazetted Posts Exam is set to be conducted for 300 marks, and there is a negative marking of 1/3rd for each incorrect or wrong answer.
Contents [hide]
- 1 APPSC Non-Gazetted Syllabus
- 1.1 APPSC Non-Gazetted Exam Pattern
- 1.2 APPSC Non Gazetted Paper 1 Syllabus – General Studies & Mental Ability
- 1.3 APPSC Non-Gazetted Paper 2 Syllabus
- 1.3.1 Sample taker in A.P. Preventive Medicine, Public Health Labs & Food (Health) Sub-Service
- 1.3.2 District Probation Officer, Grade – 2 in A.P.Juvenile Welfare correctional sub service
- 1.3.3 Technical Assistant (Geo Physics) in A.P.Ground Water Sub Service
- 1.3.4 Assistant Inspector of Fisheries in A.P.Fisheries Sub Service
- 1.3.5 Town Planning & Building Overseer in AP Town and Country planning
- 1.3.6 Junior Translator (Telugu) in A.P.Translation Subordinate Service
- 1.3.7 Industrial Promotion Officer in A.P. Industrial Subordinate Service
- 1.3.8 Technical Assistant in AP Mines & Geology
- 1.3.9 Food Safety Officer in A.P.Institute of Preventive Medicine, Public Health Laboratories, and Food (Health) Administration subordinate service
APPSC Non-Gazetted Syllabus
APPSC Non-Gazetted Exam Pattern
Here, we have gathered and given the detailed APPSC Non-Gazetted Exam Pattern for every post. So, have a look over that and then proceed with further test preparation.
Sample taker in A.P. Preventive Medicine, Public Health Labs & Food (Health) Sub-Service
District Probation Officer, Grade – 2 in A.P. Juvenile Welfare correctional sub service
Technical Assistant (Geo Physics) in A.P.Ground Water Sub Service
Assistant Inspector of Fisheries in A.P.Fisheries Sub Service
Town Planning & Building Overseer in AP Town and Country planning
Junior Translator (Telugu) in A.P.Translation Subordinate Service
Industrial Promotion Officer in A.P. Industrial Subordinate Service
Technical Assistant in AP Mines & Geology
Food Safety Officer in A.P.Institute of Preventive Medicine, Public Health Laboratories, and Food (Health) Administration subordinate service
APPSC Non Gazetted Paper 1 Syllabus – General Studies & Mental Ability
Well, all the candidates should make a note that the Paper 1 will be of General Studies & Mental Ability. And Paper 1 in the APPSC Non Gazetted Written Exam is the same for all the Non Gazetted Posts like Sample taker, District Probation Officer, Technical Assistant (Geo Physics), Assistant Inspector of Fisheries, Town Planning & Building Overseer, Junior Translator, Industrial Promotion Officer, and Food Safety Officer. Check the topics to revise.
- Events of national and international importance.
- Current affairs- international, national and regional.
- General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science& Technology and information Technology.
- Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh. (Starts from 1707 AD)
- Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis:
- Tabulation of data
- Visual representation of data
- Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
- Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/ problems.
APPSC Non-Gazetted Paper 2 Syllabus
In this section, candidates should take note of the APPSC Non Gazetted Paper 2 Syllabus for the year 2024, which varies for each post. The content covered in Paper 2 of the Non Gazetted Exam differs based on the specific post. Additionally, refer to the listed topics below for each post to effectively prepare for the Paper 2 Test.
Sample taker in A.P. Preventive Medicine, Public Health Labs & Food (Health) Sub-Service
Food & Nutrition
Environmental Sanitation
Communicable And Non-Communicable Diseases (Prevention And Control)
Health And Death Statistics
District Probation Officer, Grade – 2 in A.P.Juvenile Welfare correctional sub service
Unit I: Definition and Scope of Social Work – Social Work Values and Ethics – Social work practice in India.
Unit II: Criminology: Meaning, Concept, scope, and Extension – Deviance – Definition, Concept, and Scope –Crime–Definition, Concept, Scope, and Characteristics.
Unit III: Form of Crime; Crime in India – Patterns and trends – Punishment – Definition, Nature, and Types – Corporal and Capital – Prison as a community – Prison Programmes and reforms.
Unit IV: Administrative functions, programs, and limitations of open prisons, Borstal schools, certified schools, reformatory schools, remand homes observation homes, juvenile Homes, and special homes.
Unit V: Criminal Justice system: Courts and Correctional administration – Probation and Parole Origin, nature, process and practice of Probation and Parole in India – role of Probation Officer in correctional setting.
- Introduction to Psychology
- Methods in Psychology
- Quantitative Analysis
- Physiological Psychology
- Development of human behavior
- Perception
- Learning
- Memory
- Cognition and Language
- Intelligence and Aptitude
- Motivation and Emotion
- Personality
- Adjustment and Stress
- Social Behaviour
- Application of Psychology
Technical Assistant (Geo Physics) in A.P.Ground Water Sub Service
- Basics of Geo Physics
- Geo-Hydrology
- Principles Of Geophysical Prospecting Of Ground Water
- Geophysical Well – Logging Methods
- Application Of Geophysical Methods For Solving Hydrogeological Problems In
- Hydrodynamic Investigations Of Aquifers And Wells
- Formation Drilling And Well Construction
- Analytical Study Of Geo-Hydrological Data
Assistant Inspector of Fisheries in A.P.Fisheries Sub Service
Basic Fisheries
1. Aquatic Environment Management
2. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.
3. Fisheries Extension.
4. Fisheries Economics.
5. Fisheries Resource Management.
6. Seed production of cultivable fin and shell fishes.
7. Aquarium fishes and Aquarium Managment.
8. Larval nutrition and culture of fish food organisms.
9. Fish and shell fish physiology and endocrinology.
10. Advances in genetics.
11. Aqua farming systems.
12. Fishing craft and gear.
13. Sustainable Fisheries and aquaculture.
14. Aquatic ecosystems its dynamics.
15. Fresh Water aquaculture, Mari culture and brackish water aquaculture.
Applied Fisheries
16. Aquaculture
17. Aquatic Animal Health.
18. Aquaculture Biotechnology.
19. Fish genetics and Breeding.
20. Fish processing Technology.
21. Fisheries Engineering and Technology.
22. Soil and water quality management in Aquaculture
23. Nutrition and Feed Technology.
24. Advances in Aquaculture production system.
25. Advances in seed production and hatchery management.
26. Applied Biotechnology
27. Marine electronics and communication systems.
28. Application of remote sensing in fisheries.
29. ICT applications in Fisheries.
30. Innovative technologies in fisheries.
Town Planning & Building Overseer in AP Town and Country planning
Concerned Subject
1. Importance of Lettering and Numbering – Figure Sizes and Proportions IS Standard Practice.
2. Construction of Plain Geometric Figures (Lines Angles, Triangle, Rhombus, Quadrilaterals, Polygon etc) Orthographic Projection- Recommended methods of Projections as per IS code.
3. Construction of Ordinary Scale – Plain, & Comparative Diagonal, Vernier, & Scale of Chords.
4. Drawing Plan and Elevation of Points, Lines, Surfaces & Solids.
5. Conventional Signs and Symbols as per IS Code for Engineering Drawings and Buildings Drawings.
6. Drawing and detailing of (a) Brick arrangements – Various types of Bonds, (b) Stone Masonry & Stone Joints ((c) Foundations – Various types (d) Damp Proof Course & Plinth Protection (e) Roof types – Reinforced Concrete, Madras Terrace & Jack Arch, (f) Flooring types – Timber Flooring, Steel Flooring, Tile Flooring, (g) Arches & Lintels Carpentry Joints, Framing, Paneling and Moulding (h) Doors types – Paneled, Glazed, and Flush Door, (i) Windows & Ventilators (j) Pitched Roof – Various types – King post, & Queen post, (k) Steel Roof Trusses (l) Stairs – Various types – Wooden, Steel and Reinforced Concrete – Spiral, Doglegged & Open Well (m) Single Storied Residential House – Plan, Elevation and Section (n) Cross section showing different types of Roads, Railway Track, Embankment and layout of Platforms (o) Different types of Irrigation Structures (p) Pipelines Joints Drainage Works, Manholes, Sanitary fittings, (q) Forms of Rivet Heads, Types of Riveted Joints, Standard Steel Section, Standard Connections.
7. Surveying of Buildings Sites with Chain, Field Book Entries – Plotting – Calculation of Areas.
8. Use of Prismatic Compass, Handling of Leveling Instrument – Differential Leveling, Surveying of Building Sites with Chain and Level for Calculation of Earth Work. Plotting of Longitudinal/ Cross section, Drawing of Contours.
Junior Translator (Telugu) in A.P.Translation Subordinate Service
Translation Paper 2 will be of Descriptive type. And 90 minutes of time will be given to all the candidates. And the aspirants should translate the given passages from English to Telugu and Telugu to English.
Industrial Promotion Officer in A.P. Industrial Subordinate Service
The subjects to prepare for the Applied Science, Engineering, and Management. (Diploma Standard) Paper is given below.
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Industrial Management
- Industrial Engineering
- Fundamentals Of Computer Science
Technical Assistant in AP Mines & Geology
Part I
- General Geology
- Geomorphology
- Structural and field Geology
Part II
- Crystallography
- Mineralogy
- Economic Geology
Part III
- Igneous Petrology
- Sedimentary Petrology
- Metamorphic Petrology
Part IV
- Paleontology
- Stratigraphy and Geology of India
Food Safety Officer in A.P.Institute of Preventive Medicine, Public Health Laboratories, and Food (Health) Administration subordinate service
- Food Chemistry
- Food Microbiology
- Food Processing technology
- Food Laws and Organizations
- Hygiene & Sanitation
- Public & Occupational health and Nutrition