TNPSC officials are organizing the written exam for vacancies including Junior Analyst, Junior Chemist, Chemist, and Archaeological Chemist. Candidates who have applied and are eager to begin their preparation can review the TNPSC Junior Chemist Syllabus.
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TNPSC Junior Analyst Syllabus
Units | Subjects | Syllabus |
Unit 1 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY | Chemical Thermodynamics: Terminology – Systems and surroundings – First Law Of thermodynamics – Cp and cv relation – Hess’s law of constant heat summation – Kirchoff’s equation – extensive and intensive properties- second law of thermodynamics entropy and entropy as a measure of probability – Free energy and Chemical equilibria – variation of free energy w i t h temperature and pressure – Gibb’s and Helmholtz equation — Heterogeneous equilibria and Le Chatlier principle. SoIid State Chemistry: Crystalline and amorphous solids – unit Cell – Miller Indices – symmetry elements in crystals (cubic system only)- Bragg’s equation – radius ratio’s and packing in crystals- determination of crystal structures by Bragg’s method – structure of NaCl, Wurzite , Ti02 and spinels. |
Unit 2 | Chemical Kinetics | Rate laws – rate constant – order and molecularity of reactions – I, Il, Ill, and zero order reactions concept of Arrhenius theory – Collision theory and Transition state theory -catalysis. |
EIectrochemistry | Conductance in electrolytic solution, specific and molar conductance – Ostwald’s dilution law – Kohlraush’s law – Debye Huckel theoryTypes of reversible electrodes – Nernst equation – reference electrode and standard hydrogen electrode – computation of cell e.m.f. -calculations of thermodynamic quantities of cell reactions (AG, AH, AS and K) Determination of pH and pKa of acids by potentiometric methods. | |
Unit 3 | AnaIyticaI chemistry and Instrumental methods | Principle, instrumentation and applications of UV- Visible, IR, Raman, NMR Mass, GCMS and Atomic Absorption spectroscopy. |
Unit 4 | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY | Periodic classification: Classification based on electronic configuration periodic properties – atomic and ionic radii, ionisation potential, electron affinity and electronegativity – various scales – Trends along periods and groups. (g)ChemicaI bond: Lattice energy – VSEPR Theory and its applications – partial (h) Compounds of Boron: Electron deficient nature of boron compounds preparation and properties of halides and nitrites of boron – diborane – Borazine, silicones and structures of silicates |
Unit 5 | Lanthanides and Actinides | Position in the periodic table, occurrence, electronic configuration, oxidation state – lanthanide contraction – magnetic properties and complexation behaviour – comparison of lanthanides and actinides. |
Nuclear Chemistry | Radio activity – detection and measurement — Half-life period – nuclear stability, – n/p ratio – isotopes, isobars and isotones -nuclear reactions – spallation – nuclear fission and fusion – stellar energy Uses of nuclear energy – nuclear power projects in India – Applications of radioactive isotopes in industries, medicine and agriculture. | |
Unit 6 | Co-ordination Chemistry | Nomenclature theories of co-ordination compounds- Werner, valence bond, crystal field theories – Effective atomic number — isomerism. |
AnaIyticaI Chemistry | Principles of volumetric analysis – different types of titrations- Gravimetric analysis – Basic principles – Separation and purification techniques | |
Unit 7 | ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | Nature of Bonding: Hybridisation (sp, sp2 and sp 3 ) and Geometry of molecules – cleavage of bonds – homolytic and heterolytic fission of carbon carbon bonds – Reaction intermediates – free radicals, carbocations and carbanions – their stability. (n) Types of reactions: Nucleophilic, electrophilic, free radicals, addition, elimination, substitution, oxidation and reduction reactions. (o) Electron displacement effects: Inductive, inductometric, electromeric, mesomeric, resonance, hyperconjugation and steric effects. (p)Stereochemistry: Optical isomerism and Geometrical isomerism – chirality optical isomerism of lactic and tartaric acid – Racemisation – Resolution Asymmetric synthesis – Walden inversion – cis and trans isomerism of maleic and fumaric acids-R-S-Notations – conformational analysis of cyclohexane |
Unit 9 | Carbohydrates | Classification, sources, preparation and reactions Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose and lactose- structure of glucose and fructose. |
Amino acids | Classification – Zwitter ion – peptide linkage – structure of proteins – structure and functions of DNA and RNA | |
Hormones and vitamins | Classifications, sources and functions | |
Unit 10 | PharmaceuticaI Chemistry | Terminology-pharmacology, pharmacotherapies, toxicology, chemotherapy, classification and nomenclature of drugs, sources of drugs, Assay of drugs by biological, chemical and immunological methods, physiological effects of functional groups of drugs Different types of drugs like analgesics, antibiotics, antiseptics, disinfectants, anaesthetics, antacids, antimalarial antidepressants, antipsychotic and sedatives. |
Nano Chemistry | Definition – types of nano materials – Nano drugs and their delivery- Applications of nano materials in medicine |
TNPSC Junior Analyst, Junior Chemist, Other Posts Exam Pattern
TNPSC Junior Analyst Exam Pattern:
- The questions asked will be objective-type.
- For every wrong answer, ¼ of the marks will be deducted.
- The question paper will have two sections.
- The time allotted for Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be 2 hours and 3 hours, respectively.
Parts | Section | Subject | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration | level |
Part 1 | Paper I | Pharmacy /Pharmaceutical Sciences | 200 | 300 | 3 hours | Degree standard |
Paper II | Tamil Eligibility Test | 100 | 150 | 3 hours | (SSLC Std) | |
Part 2 | Paper I | General Studies | 75 | 150 | ||
Paper II | Aptitude and mental ability test | 25 | ||||
Total | 400 | 450 | 5 hours |
- Time Duration of Paper I is 3 Hours.
- For Paper II, the time duration is 2 Hours.
Tamilnadu PSC Junior Chemist Exam Pattern:
Subjects | Number of Questions | Maximum Marks |
Paper – I P.G. Degre (Chemistry, Chemistry technology) | 200 | 300 |
Paper – II (General Studies) | 100 | 200 |
Interview and Record | – | 70 |
Total | 300 | 570 |
- Time Duration of Paper I is 3 Hours.
- For Paper II, the time duration is 2 Hours.
TNPSC Junior Analyst Syllabus
Name Of The Organization | Tamilnadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) |
Name Of The Post(s) | Junior Analyst, Junior Chemist, Chemist, and Archaeological Chemist |
Number Of Vacancies | Various |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | |