The West Bengal Police ASI Syllabus covers a range of subjects essential for candidates aspiring to join the esteemed West Bengal Police force. Conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, the selection process primarily includes a written examination. This exam evaluates candidates’ knowledge in various areas, including General Knowledge, Report Writing, Law & Procedure, Social Values & Awareness, Drill, and Weaponry. The West Bengal Police ASI Syllabus provides a detailed outline of the topics under each subject, helping candidates prepare effectively for the exam.
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West Bengal Police ASI Exam Syllabus for ASI/ LASI (UB)
General Knowledge
- Basic Course in Computer Education
- Handling of Computer: Switching on /off the Computer, Familiarization with
Computer, About Hardware and Software, Key Board Commands, Key Board Typing
Practice (Minimum Speed 20 words per minute). - Windows: Introduction to MS Windows (98, 2000, XP), Basic Knowledge of operating
System. - MS Word: Introduction to MS Word, Standard Toolbar (New file creation, opening,
saving etc.), Formatting Toolbar (Formatting Text, i.e. Bold / Italic / Underline
/Alignment etc.), Page Setup and its Properties, All printing options (File Printing /
Print Preview), Table Creation. - Software about anti-virus
- Internet: Introduction to Internet, Opening and Closing Websites, E-Mail Account
Creation, Sending, and Receiving E-Mails, Use of Search Engines (Google and MSN etc.) - Police Software: PPMS, Digital MTO, Clothing Store Management System, Departmental Store Management System, Accounts and Cash Book, PLUS, TCTS, CIPA.
Report Writing
In connection with Misc. inquiries.
Law & Procedure (without Book)
I. Criminal Procedure Code:
- Cognizable & Non-Cognizable Offence [Sec-2[c][I]. The procedure of writing a General Diary in cognizable & non-cognizable cases [PRB Rule 377].
- First Information Report [Sec 154 Cr. P.C.]. The procedure of recording FIR [Sec 154 Cr. P. C. & PRB Rule-243].
- Power & Procedure of Arrest of Person [Sec-Cr. P.C. 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 151].
- General Procedure of Search [Sec-100 Cr. P.C. & P.R.B. Rule 280].
- Dispersal of Unlawful Assembly, Power & Functions of Police [Sec-129 Cr. P.C. PRB Rule 142-144]. Use of firearms [PRB Rule 153] [High Court order with ref to Nandi Gram Police Firing].
- Prohibitory Order [Sec 144 Cr. P.C] Appointment of the receiver in case of disputed
immovable Property [Sec 145 Cr. P.C]. - Investigation of UD Case [Sec 174(i) Cr. P.C & 299 PRB].
- Inquiry in MA Case.
- Report Writing in Non-FIR Cases & Misc. inquiry.
II. Indian Penal Code:
- Definition [Sec-21, 23, 24, 39, 52].
- General Exceptions [Sec-96 to 106].
- Offenses against Public Tranquility [Sec- 141-149].
- Custodial Crime [Sec-330, 331, 343, 376(2)(a)].
- Offences against human body [Sec-299-304, 307, 319-326, 331, 339-342, 354].
- Offences against property [Sec-378-384, 390-397, 399, 402, 410-412].
III. Minor Acts:
- The Police Act 1861 [Sec 17, 18, 19, 23, 29, 30-34 & 44].
- West Bengal Gambling & Prize Competition Act [Sec-2, 3, 4, 5, 10 & 100].
- Indian Arms Act.
IV. Maintenance of Registers at PS & Other Police units:
GD Book PRB [Rule 377], Absconder Register [Rule 378], Constables Daily Duty Roster [Rule 373], Warrant Register [Rule 323], Property Register [Rule 379], Register of Letter receive & Letter issued [Rule 376], Non FIR Register [Rule 254], MA Case Register [Rule 254], UD Case Register [Rule 299], Cash Account Register [Rule 409], All Arrest Register [Rule 323], Command Certificate [Rule 163], Personal Diary [Rule 209], Prisoners Diet Bill [Rule 333], Periodical Reports & Returns [Rule 198], Missing Persons Registers, Rules in c/w guarding Lock-up & Sentry Duty [Rule 329].
At CI Office
Registers of letter received & letter issued [Rule 199], Index of Crime [Rule 197], Police Gazette File [Rule 74], Reward & Punishment Register, PD Files.
At SDPO Office
Register of letter received & letter issued, SR Case Register, Reward & Punishment
Register, Sub-Divisional Order Book, Filing of Police Gazette.
At Police Court
Filing of Police Gazette [PRB Rule 74], Final Memo [Rule 445], Register of Process [Rule471], File of Jail Parade Report [Rule 515], Register of Paper received & paper dispatch [Rule 532], Daily under Trial Case Report [Rule 533], Register of Unidentified persons sent up by Police [Rule 534], General Register [Rule 536], Non G.R. [Rule 537], Hazat Register [Rule 538], Sessions Case Register [Rule 539], Bail Bond Register [Rule 540], Conviction Register [Rule 541].
V. Crowd Control & VIP Duty:
Definition of Crowd & measures adopted by police for controlling crowd at different
stages. Licenses issued under the Police Act for regulating processions & Assembles.
Definition of VIP and duties performed by Police at different stages to ensure safety and
security of VIPs – during their journey, at the place of program, and stay.
Report Writing in connection with Non-FIR prosecution
[290, 323 IPC, 3, 4 BCLA Act, WBG & PC Act, 107, 109, 144, 145 Cr. P.C, 34 Police Act]
Social Values & Awareness
- Police Organizations [WBP, Kolkata Police & C.P.Os].
- Attitudinal Change in the behavior of police, code of conduct for police.
- Concept of Human Rights-Protection of Human Rights. Observation of Human Rights during arrest, search & seizure, escort & interrogation of accused person-Directions of
the Supreme Court of India in c/w arrest. - Offences against women and the role of police.
- Offenses against weaker sections and the role of police.
- Menace of communalism, role of police & maintenance of secular attitude in Police
Administration. - Menace of Drug, Immoral Trafficking.
West Bengal Police ASI Exam Syllabus for ASI (AB)
General Knowledge
- Basic Course in Computer Education
- Handling of Computer: Switching on /off the Computer, Familiarization with
Computer, About Hardware and Software, Key Board Commands, Key Board Typing
Practice (Minimum Speed 20 words per minute). - Windows: Introduction to MS Windows (98, 2000, XP), Basic Knowledge of operating
System. - MS Word: Introduction to MS Word, Standard Toolbar (New file creation, opening,
saving etc.), Formatting Toolbar (Formatting Text, i.e. Bold / Italic / Underline
/Alignment etc.), Page Setup and its Properties, All printing options (File Printing /
Print Preview), Table Creation. - Software about anti-virus
- Internet: Introduction to Internet, Opening and Closing Websites, E-Mail Account
Creation, Sending, and Receiving E-Mails, Use of Search Engines (Google and MSN etc.) - Police Software: PPMS, Digital MTO, Clothing Store Management System, Departmental Store Management System, Accounts and Cash Book, PLUS, TCTS, CIPA.
Report Writing
In connection with Misc. inquiries.
Law & Procedure (without Book)
Criminal Procedure Code:
- Power & Procedure regarding arrest person [Sec. 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 151].
- General Procedure of Search [Sec. 100 Cr. P.C & PRB Rule 280].
- Dispersal of unlawful Assembly: Power & function of Police [Sec. 129 Cr. P.C, PRB Rule 142-144] use of firearms PRB Rule 153, about Right of Private Defence Prohibiting Order [Sec. 144 Cr. P.C], Appointment of the receiver in Case of disputed immovable Property [Sec. 145 Cr. PC].
Indian Penal Code:
- General Exception [Sec. 96-106].
- Offences against Public tranquility [141-149].
- Offences against the human body [Homicide, Dowry death, Hurt].
- Offenses against Property [Theft, Robbery, Burglary, Dacoity].
- Custodial Crimes [Sec. 330, 331, 343, 376 (2)(a)].
Minor Acts:
- The Police Act 1861.
- W.B. Gambling & Prize Competition Act [Sec. 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 & 11].
- Indian Arms Act.
Social Values & Awareness
- Police Organizations [WBP, Kolkata Police & C.P.Os].
- Attitudinal Change in the behavior of police, code of conduct for police.
- Concept of Human Rights-Protection of Human Rights. Observation of Human Rights during arrest, search & seizure, escort & interrogation of accused person-Directions of
the Supreme Court of India in c/w arrest. - Offences against women and the role of police.
- Offenses against weaker sections and the role of the police.
- Menace of communalism, role of police & maintenance of secular attitude in Police
Administration. - Menace of Drug, Immoral Trafficking.
Drill (Theoretical): Including Guard & Sentry Duties
- Detecting IEDs & Techniques for defusing them.
- Maintaining Camp Security in the LWE Area.
- Drill (Practical)
Weaponry (Theoretical)
- [.303, .410, .38, 9mm Pistol, AK 47, SLR, INSAS, Carbine]
- Weaponry [Practical]
West Bengal Police ASI Exam Pattern
Written Examination | |||||
S No | Subjects | For ASI/ LASI (UB) | For ASI (AB) | ||
Full Marks | Pass Marks | Full Marks | Pass Marks | ||
1. | General Knowledge | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 |
2. | Report Writing | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 |
3. | Law & Procedure (without Book) | 60 | 24 | 30 | 12 |
4. | Report Writing, Social Values & Awareness | 20 | 8 | 20 | 8 |
5. | Drill Theoretical – 10 Practical – 10 | – | – | 20 | 8 |
6. | Weaponry Theoretical – 05 Practical – 05 | – | – | 10 | 4 |
Total | 100 | 40 | 100 | 40 |
West Bengal Police ASI Syllabus Overview
Organization Name | West Bengal Police Recruitment Board |
Post Name | ASI/ LASI (UB), ASI (AB) |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Examination |
Official Website | |