Detailed Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Syllabus
Detailed Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

Title: Detailed Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

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Name of Organisation High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad
Name of Posts Civil Judge
Official Website
Recruitment Details High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad Civil Judge 
Type of Test Objective Type
Test Mode Online (Computer Based Test – CBT)


Detailed Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Exam Pattern

The process of selection shall comprise of,
a) Screening Test, which is objective in form; (if the number of applications exceeds 10 times the number of notified vacancies);
b) Written Examination shall carry 80 marks.
c) Viva Voce, which shall carry 20 marks.

Candidates who are qualified in the Screening Test, if held, shall be short-listed to the level of 1:10, of the available vacancies in each category, in the order of merit, conferring eligibility upon them, to appear in the written examination.

The marks obtained in the screening test shall not be added to the marks obtained in the written examination and they shall not be counted for determining final order of the merit of the candidates, as the screening test is conducted for the purpose of short listing the candidates.

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The Questions in the examinations shall be answered only in English.

Detailed Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

In the selection process, the proficiency and knowledge of applicants in,

a) Substantive Laws,

comprising of

  1. Indian Contract Act,
  2. Hindu Marriage Act,
  3. Hindu Succession Act,
  4. Easements Act,
  5. Specific Relief Act,
  6. Limitation Act,
  7. Transfer of Property Act,
  8. Indian Penal Code,
  9. Negotiable Instruments Act,
  10. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,
  11. Registration Act,
  12. Indian Stamp Act,
  13. A.P. Land Encroachment Act,
  14. A.P. Buildings (Lease, Rent & Eviction) Control Act,

b) Procedural Laws

comprising of

  1. Civil Procedure Code,
  2. Criminal Procedure Code,
  3. Evidence Act,
  4. Civil Rules of Practice and Criminal Rules of Practice,

In the Viva Voce, the academic knowledge of a candidate, his/her communication skills, his/her tact and ability to handle various situations in the Court, will be tested.


a) Only such candidates who secure 40% marks (for OC category), 35% (for BC category), and 30% (for SC and ST categories), in case of direct recruitment, shall be treated as qualified in the written examination.
b) In case of the candidates for Recruitment by Transfer, the qualifying marks are 40%, in the written examination for O.Cs and B.Cs, and 30% for SC/ST candidates.

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After result of written examination is announced, qualified candidates in the ratio of 1:3 of the available vacancies in the respective categories shall be called for Viva Voce.

We have provided the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Exam Syllabus in the form of pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the Andhra Pradesh Judicial Service Examination Pdf by using the below link at free of cost.

Watch out for the latest updates that we share regularly on MySarkariNaukri. All the best for your exam..!

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