Details APPSC AEE Civil & Agricultural Examination Syllabus
Details APPSC AEE Civil & Agricultural Examination Syllabus

Title: Detailed APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Civil & Agricultural Examination Syllabus

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Name of Organisation Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Name of Posts Assistant Executive Engineers – Civil & Agricultural
Official Website
Recruitment Details Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Assistant Executive Engineers – Civil& Agricultural 
Type of Test Objective Type
Test Mode Online (Computer Based Test – CBT)


Detailed APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Civil & Agricultural Examination Exam Pattern

General Studies  150 Marks  150 Qns   150 Minutes
Optional Subject- PAPER-1 Civil OR Agricultural Engineering  150 Marks  150 Qns   150 Minutes
Optional Subject- PAPER-2 Civil OR Agricultural Engineering  150 Marks  150 Qns   150 Minutes


Detailed APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Civil & Agricultural Examination Syllabus


1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.

2. Current events of national and international importance.

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3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement.

4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP.

5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development – Planning and economic reforms in India.

6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences.



STRENGTH OF MATERIALS:- Simple stresses and Strains: Types of stresses and strains – Hook’s Law, Stress-strain curve for mild steel working stress and factor of safety Posion ratio – State of simple shear, complementary – Shear Elastic constants and their relations – Compound bars – Thermal stress. Compound stresses Mohr’s circle of stress – Principal stresses and planes. Shear force and bending moment diagrams: S.F.D. and B.M.D. for cantilevers, simply supported beams and over hanging beams subjected to point leads and uniformly distributed loads. Relations among load, shear force and bending moment.


FLUID MACHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY: Fluid statics: Hydrostatic force on a plane and curved area Centre of pressure and its applications to lockgates and dams Metacentric height. Fluid Dynamics: Convective and local acceleration, Euler’s equation of motion and its intergration, Bernoulli’s equation motion and its application, flow in curved path. Free and forced vortex. Flow measurements: Notches and weirs, venturimeters, pitot tube, nozzle meter, current meter. Compressible Flow: Velocity of pressure wave, wave velocity for adiabatic and isothermal compression, Basic equations of one-dimensional flow continuity, energy and momentum equations.

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1. BUILDING MATERIALS: Timber: Different types and species of structural timber, density – moisture relationship, strength in different directions, defects, preservations, plywood. Bricks: Types, Indian standard classification, absorption, saturation factor, strength in masonry, influence of mortar strength on masonry strength. Cement: Compounds of different types, setting times, strength. Cement mortar: Ingredients, proportions, water demand, mortars for plastering and masonry. Concrete: Importance of w/c ratio, strength, ingredients including admixtures, workability, testing for strength, mix design methods, non-destructive testing.

2. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Analysis of determinate structures – different methods. Analysis of indeterminate skeletal frames – Moment distribution, Slope deflection, Kani’s, Stiffness and force methods, Energy methods, Muller Breslan principle and application. Plastic analysis of indeterminate beams and simple portal frames – Shape factors.


We have provided the APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Civil & Agricultural Exam Exam Syllabus in the form of pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the APPSC Assistant Executive Engineers Civil & Agricultural Exam Pdf by using the below link at free of cost.

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