APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
APPSC Group 1 Syllabus

APPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus:

Paper 1: General Studies:

Topics covered in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus in Telugu are as follows:

  1. A) History & Culture:
1. Indus Valley Civilization: Features, Sites, Society, Cultural History, Art and Religion.Vedic Age- Mahajanapadas, Religions-Jainism and Buddhism.
2.The Maghadas, the Mauryan , Foreign invasions on India and their impact,The Kushans. The Sathavahanas the Sangam Age, the Sungas, the GuptaEmpire -their Administration- Social, Religious and Economic conditions-Art,Architecture, Literature, Science and Technology.
3. The kanauj and their contributions, South Indian Dynasties – The BadamiChalukayas, the Rastrakutas, the Kalyani Chalukayas, the Cholas, theHoyasalas, the Kakatiyas and Reddis.
4. The Delhi Sultanate, Vijaynagar Empire and the Mughal Empire, the BhaktiMovement and Sufism.
5. Important Dynasties of concerned State- their rulers – Administration,Economy, Society, Religion, Literature, Arts and Architecture.
6. The European Trading companies in India- their struggle for supremacywithspecial reference to Bengal, Madras, Mysore, Andhra and Telangana,Governor-Generals and Viceroys added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
7. Indian War of Independence of 1857 – Origin, Nature, causes, consequencesand significance with special reference to Concerned State, Religious andSocial Reform Movements in 19th century in India and Concerned State,
8. Mahatma Gandhi, his thoughts, Principles and Philosophy. ImportantSatyagrahas, the Role of Sardar Patel in Freedom Movement and Post –independence consolidation added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
9. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, his life and contribution to making of IndianConstitution, India after Independence – Reorganization of the States inIndia
  1. B) Constitution, Polity, Social Justice And International Relations:
10. Indian Constitution: Evolution, features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights,Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Amendments,Significant Provisions and Basic Structure.
11. Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament andState Legislatures: Structure, Function, Power and Privileges. Issues andchallenges pertaining to Federal Structure: Devolution of Power and Finances up to local levels and Challenges therein.
12. Constitutional Authorities: Powers, Functions and Responsibilities.
13. Panchayati Raj added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
14. Public Policy and Governance.
15. Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on Governance.
16. Statutory, Regulatory and Quasi-judicial bodies.
17. Rights Issues (Human rights, Women rights, SC/ST rights, Child rights)etc.
18. India’s Foreign Policy — International Relations — Important Institutions,Agencies and Fora, their structure and mandate.
19. Important Policies and Programmes of Central and State Governments

(C) Indian And Andhra Pradesh Economy And Planning:

20. Economic development in India since Independence- role of planning, NitiAyog, India’s economic problems such as poverty and unemployment,agrarian crisis, irrigation and water, sustainable development, inflation andbalance of payments, growth with stability, growth with Social justice
21. Centre State relations – Finance Commissions, Sharing of Resourcesbetween Centre and States – implications of GST sharing –Decentralization added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
22. India’s Economic reforms –Banking, Financial, trade and social sector; Newchallenges in a Globalized context – Global competition, Financial marketinstabilities, FDI flows, Impact of GST on Commerce and Industry.
23. Trends and patterns in structure of population over time – growth rate,gender, rural-urban migration, literacy, regional – Physical Quality of LifeIndex. Human Development Index, Human Poverty Gender DevelopmentIndex, National Happiness Index.
24. Environmental degradation and challenges – Sustainable Development andEnvironment Protection.
25. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social,Cultural, Political, and legal implications – Implications to financial resourcesof state government added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
26. Growth of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities forinvestments, Cultural demographic impact – irrigation projects and theirimpact on agriculture – Poverty Alleviation and Social Welfare Programmes.
27. Employment potential in Andhra Pradesh – Skill Development Programmes –Government initiatives
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(D) Geography:

28. General Geography: Earth in Solar system, Motion of the Earth, Concept oftime, Season, Internal Structure of the Earth, Major landforms and their
features. Atmosphere-structure and composition, elements and factors ofClimate, Airmasses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances, climate change.Oceans: Physical, chemical and biological characteristics, HydrologicalDistasters, Marine and Continental resources.
29. Physical: World, India and concerned State : Major physical divisions,Earthquakes, landslides, Natural drainage, climatic changes and regions,Monsoon, Natural Vegetation, Parks and Sanctuaries, Major Soil types, Rocksand Minerals added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
30. Social: World, India and concerned State : distribution, density, growth, Sex-ratio,Literacy, Occupational Structure, SC and ST Population, Rural-Urbancomponents, Racial, tribal, religious and linguistic groups, urbanization, migrationand metropolitan regions.
31. Economic: World, India and concerned State: Major sectors of economy,Agriculture, Industry and Services, their salient features. Basic Industries-Agro,mineral, forest, fuel and manpower based Industries, Transport and Trade,Pattern and Issues

Paper -II – General Aptitude:

  1. General Mental Ability, Administrative And Psycological Abilities:
1. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
2. Number Series, Coding —Decoding.
3. Problems related to Relations.
4. Shapes and their Sub-sections, Venn Diagram
5. Problems based on Clocks, Calendar and Age.
6. Number system and order of Magnitude.
7. Linear Equations – in one or two Variables.
8. Ratio, proportion and variation added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
9. Average of mean, median, mode — including weighted mean.
10. Power and exponent, Square, Square Root, Cube Root, H.C.F. and L.C.M.
11. Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and loss.
12. Time and Work, Time and Distance, Speed and Distance.
13. Area and Perimeter of Simple Geometrical Shapes, Volume andSurface Area of Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, cubes and Cuboids.
14. Lines, angels and common geometrical figures — properties oftransverse of parallel lines, properties of related to measure of sides ofa triangles, Pythagoras theoreth, quadrilateral, rectangle,parallelogram, and rhombus.
15. Introduction to algebra — BODMAS, simplification of weird symbols added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
16. Data interpretation, Data Analysis, Data sufficiency, and concepts of
17. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and analyzing emotions, Dimensionsof emotional intelligence, Self motivation, Emotional stability, Managingrelations, Integrity, Self development, Value orientation, Commitment,Altruistic behavior, Coping with emotions, overcoming functional fixedness.
18. Empathy and Coping with stress: Sensitivity, Objectivity, Social inclination,Social responsibility, Openness, Compassion, Optimism, Self awareness,Self acceptance, Planning ability, Objectivity, Relaxation ability, Stability,Reality orientation, Resilience.
19. Decision Making and Problem solving: Objectivity, Divergent thinking ability,Perception of situation, Synthetic ability, Rationality, General intelligence,Anticipation and consequence added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
20. Social Intelligence and Interpersonal skills: Sympathy, Tolerance, Healthydistance, Patience, Cooperativeness, Sensitivity, Compassion, sense ofhumour, Memory and Optimism, Reciprocality, Etiquette, Lack of prejudice.
21. Critical thinking and Creative thinking: Seeing problems, Unusual uses,Consequences test, Inquisitiveness, Persistency, Novelty, Fluency,Flexibility, Originality, Anticipation of consequences, Analytical abilities,Independent thinking, Un conditionality, Analysis of the situation, Evaluationof the situation, Reaching a conclusion.
22. Assessment of Personality: Independence, Wellbeing, Social presence, Selfcontrol, Managerial potential, Extra version, Agreeability, trust, warmth,assertive, Positive attitude.
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(B) (i) Science And Technology:

(B) (i) Science And Technology
23. Science and Technology: Nature and Scope of Science & Technology;Relevance of Science & Technology to the day to day life; National Policy onScience, Technology and Innovation; Institutes and Organization in Indiapromoting integration of Science, Technology and Innovation, their activitiesand contribution; Contribution of Prominent Indian Scientists added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
24. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Nature and Scope of ICT;ICT in day to day life; ICT and Industry; ICT and Governance – Variousgovernment schemes promoting use of ICT, E-Governance programmes andservices; Netiquettes; Cyber Security Concerns – National Cyber CrimePolicy.
25. Technology in Space & Defence: Evolution of Indian Space Programme;Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) — it’s activities andachievements; Various Satellite Programmes — Satellites forTelecommunication, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS),Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites; Satellites for defence, Eduset orSatellites for academic purposes; Defence Research and DevelopmentOrganization (DRDO)- vision, mission and activities added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus
26. Energy Requirement and Efficiency: India’s existing energy needs and deficit;India’s Energy Resources and Dependence, Energy policy of India –Government Policies and Programmes. Solar, Wind and Nuclear energy
27. Environmental Science: Issues and concerns related to environment; Itslegal aspects, policies and treaties for the protection of environment at thenational and the international level; Biodiversity- its importance andconcerns; Climate Change, International Initiatives (Policies, Protocols) andIndia’s commitment; Forest and Wildlife – Legal framework for Forest andWildlife Conservation in India; Environmental Hazards, pollution, carbonemission, Global warming. National Action plans on Climate Change andDisaster management. Biotechnology and Nanotechnology; Nature, Scopeand application, Ethical, Social, and Legal issues, Government Policies.Genetic Engineering; Issues related to it and its impact on human life.Health & Environment added in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus

APPSC Group 1 Prelims Exam Pattern :

Time duration of each paper is of 120 Minutes.

PaperSubjectTopicsDistribution of marksNo.of Questions
Paper-IGeneral Studies(A) History & Culture(B) Constitution, Polity, Social Justice And International Relations(C) Indian And Andhra Pradesh Economy And PlanningD) Geography30 marks30 marks30 marks30 marks120
Paper -IIGeneral AptitudeA)General Mental Ability , Administrative And Psycological AbilitiesB) (i) Science And TechnologyB (ii) – Current Events Of Regional, National And International Importance.60 marks  30 Marks30 Marks

APPSC Group 1 Mains Syllabus :

General English:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Functional Grammar
  • Vocabulary Usage
  • Composition

Paper I – General Essay:

Topics covered in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus are as follows:

SECTION-I – Crisis Management, Social, Economic and Health Problems, Analysis and solutions, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Ecological intelligence.
SECTION-II –Current events, policies, schemes and programs of National and International importance.
SECTION-III –Current events, policies, schemes, and programs of the State of Andhra Pradesh

Paper II:

History & Cultural Heritage of India – Section I:

  • Indus Valley Civilization
  • Pallavas of Kanchi, Chalukyas of Badami and Cholas of Tanjore.
  • Mughals.
  • Socio-Religious Reform Movements
  • Indian Nationalism.
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Social-Cultural History of Andhra Pradesh – Section II:

  • Ancient Andhra
  • Medieval Andhra
  • Modern Andhra
  • Nationalist Movement in Andhra and Role of Andhra Leaders
  • Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems

Overview of the Indian Constitution – Section III:

Topics covered in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus are as follows:

  • The Indian Constitution
  • Structure and functions of Union Government
  • Centre- State relations between the Indian Union and States
  • Amendment Process to the Constitution
  • Party Systems
  • Social Movements and Welfare Mechanisms

Paper III:

Planning in India and Indian Economy – Section I

  • National income and other macroeconomic aggregates in India.
  • Indian Economic Planning.
  • Poverty and Unemployment in India.
  • Monetary Policy.
  • India’s Economic Problems

Land Reforms & Social Changes in Andhra Pradesh After Independence – Section II

  • The Genesis of Land Reforms.
  • The Structure of the Andhra Pradesh Economy.
  • Demographic Features and Social Backwardness.
  • State Finances and Budgetary Policies.
  • Five Year Plans of Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Economy, Present Status its Strengths and Weakness – Section III

  • Growth and structure of industries in Andhra Pradesh
  • Agricultural growth in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Regional disparities in income, industrial output, irrigation, health and education in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Agricultural credit in Andhra Pradesh
  • Growth Corridors
  • Mission oriented Development Strategy

Paper IV:

Role and Impact of Science And Technology in the Development of India – Section I:

Topics covered in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus are as follows:

  • Science and Technology
  • Nation Policies of Science and Technology
  • Space Programme in India, its Applications with Reference to industrial, Agricultural and other rural development activities
  • Energy Resources.
  • Current Science & Technology Developments in India.

Biological Resources, Human Welfare And Modern Trends in Life Science – Section II:

  • Biological Resources
  • Plants and Animal Resources
  • Human diseases-microbial infections
  • Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Vaccines

Ecology, Natural Resources, And Environmental Issues – Section III:

  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Natural Resources
  • Environmental pollution and Solid waste management
  • Global Environmental issues and role of information Technology
  • Environmental legislation

Paper V:

Topics covered in APPSC Group 1 Syllabus are as follows:

  • Data Appreciation and Interpretation
  • Data Presented in the Tabular Form in Graphical etc.
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Time and Work
  • Speed -Time – Distance
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Logical reasoning problems like Calendar and Clock Problems, Blood Relationship, Seating arrangement etc.
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Number system
  • Number Sequences
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Series, Averages
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Profit, loss and discount problems etc.,
  • Coding and Decoding problems: coding using Ciphers and non-ciphers.
  • Problem Solving using Venn Diagrams
  • Passage Analysis

APPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Pattern :

Conventional Type(English)Essay20150 Minutes
Letter Writing10
Press Release/ Appeal10
Report Writing15
Writing On Visual Information15
Formal Speech (In About 150 Words)15
Precis Writing15
Reading Comprehension15
English Grammar20
Descriptive Type TestPaper I150150 Minutes
Paper II150150 Minutes
Paper III150
Paper IV150
Paper V150

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