APSC Syllabus
APSC Syllabus

APSC Syllabus

General Knowledge Syllabus for APSC:

  • Indian Culture
  • History of India
  • Geography of India
  • National news (current)
  • International issues
  • Scientific observations
  • New inventions
  • Political Science
  • Sculptures
  • About India and its neighboring countries
  • Countries and capitals
  • Artists
  • Science and innovations
  • World organizations
  • Famous Places in India
  • Books And Author
  • Important Dates
  • Economic issues in India
  • Music & Literature
  • National Dance
  • National and International current affairs
  • Handicrafts
  • Tribes
  • Tourism spots of Historical Importance
  • Famous Places
  • Musical Instruments etc

APSC Forest Ranger Syllabus – English:

  • One Word Substitution
  • Vocabulary
  • Antonyms
  • Direct & Indirect Speech
  • Synonyms
  • Active & Passive Voice
  • Tenses etc
  • Vocabulary
  • Idioms & Phrases
  • Comprehension
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Transformation of Sentences

Forest Ranger APSC Syllabus – Environmental Issues:

  • Energy
  • Air quality
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change
  • Consumerism
  • Desertification
  • Eco-tourism
  • Conservation
  • Population issues
  • Endangered species / threatened species
  • Environmental degradation
  • Environmental health
  • Genetic engineering or modification
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Food safety
  • Whaling
  • Global environmental issues
  • Grassroots solutions
  • Habitat loss
  • Intergenerational equity
  • Intensive farming
  • Deforestation
  • Invasive species
  • Water scarcity
  • Land degradation
  • Land use planning / Land Use
  • Natural catastrophes
  • Waste
  • Nuclear power, waste, and pollution
  • Over-exploitation of natural resources
  • Ozone depletion
  • Pollution
  • Soil conservation
  • Sustainability
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Water pollution

APSC Syllabus

APSC Combined Competitive Examination pattern:

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Main Exam

APSC Prelims Exam Syllabus

Syllabus of General Studies -C.C. Exam (Prel)

  • Indian Polity
  • Political System In India
  • Current Events Of National And International Importance
  • Indian Economy
  • Planning Process In India
  • Geography Of India , Assam And World
  • Role Of Science And Technology In India
  • Culture And Literature Of India , Assam And World
  • History Of India And Assam
  • Indian National Movement With Special Reference To Assam
  • General Mental Ability

List of optional subjects-C.C. Exam (Pre)-(Total-28)

3Animal Husbandry & Vety Science
5Chemical Engineering
6Civil Engineering
9Computer Science
12Electrical Engineering
17Indian History
20Mechanical Engineering
21Medical Science
24Political Science


Agriculture, its importance in national economy factors determining agroecological zone and geography distribution of crop plants.
Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereal pulses, oilseed, fibre, sugar and tuber crops and the scientific basis for these crop rotation, multiple and relay cropping intercropping and mixed cropping.
Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production, chemical, physical and microbiological properties of the soils essential plant nutrients, their functions, occurrence and cycling in soils, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-fertilizers, straight, complex and mixed fertilizers manufactured and marketed in India.
Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition absorption, translocation and metabolism of nutrients. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their amelloration photosynthesis and respiration, growth and development auxins and harmones in plant growth.
Elements of Genetics and Plant breeding as applied to improvement of crops, development of plant hybrids and composites, important varieties, hybrids and composites of major crops.
Importants fruit and vegetable crops of India, the package of practices and their scientific basis, crop rotation, intercropping and companion crops, role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, post harvest handling and processing of fruits and vegetables.
Serious pests and diseases, affecting major crops principles of pest control, integrated control of pests and diseases, proper use and maintenance of plant protection equipments.
Principles of economics as applied to agriculture.
Farm planning and resource management for optional production, Farming systems and their role in regional economics
Philosophy, objectives and principles of extension. Extension organisation at the stations and responsibilities. Methods of communication, Role of farm organisation in extension service.


AlgebraAlgebra of sets, relations and functions, Groups, Sub-Groups, costes & their Properties, Lagrange’s theorem on the order of a sub-group of a finite group, normal sub-groups cyclic groups, permutation groups, quotient groups homomorphism & isomorphism of groups Ringe integral domaine & fields, sub ringe & ideals, homomorphism & isomorphism of ringe. Matrics over the field real numbers, different types of matrices, addition & scaler multiplication of matrices, the determinant of a square matrix, minors and cofactors, Jacobit’s theorem, transpose of a matrix, adjoint matrix, reciprocal (inverse)matrix,singular and nonsingular matrics, multiplication of matrices & determinate, groups & ringes of matrices, rank of a matrix, solution of a system of linear equations. Inequalities, Relation between roots & co-efficients of a polynominal equation, symmetic functions of rootes, Cardon’s methods of solution of cubic. Covergence & divergence of sequences and series, camparision test, ratio & Rabbe’s test for convergence of infinite series.
Calculus Real – Valued functions of a real variable bounds, limits & continuity of functions, Manotonic functions, inverse functions, properties of continuous functions. Successive differentiation, Laibnitz theorem, Rolle’s theorm, Lagrange’s Meanvalue theorem, Taylor’s & Machlaurims theorem with Lagrange’s form of remainder in determinate form. Functions of two or more variable, partial differentiation, Evler’s theorem on hemogenous functions, Maxima & minima of a function of two variables. Standard integrals, Properties of definite integrals, elementary idea of improper integrals. Tangents and normal, curvature of plane curves rectification of plane curver, quadrature, surfaces and volumes of solids of revolution.
Differential EquationsFormation of differential equation, equations of 1st order and 1st degree, Clairaut’s form, linear equation of 2nd and higher orders with constant coefficients, complementary function and particular intergrals in standard cases.
Complex AnalysisAlgebra of complex numbers, absolute value and argument of complex numbers, Representation of complex numbers by points on a plane, complex number represented algebric operations. Geometrical interpretation of 3b Straight lines and circles in terms of complex numbers
TopologyDefinition and examples of metric spaces, usual metric on R.R2 and R3 , Open and closed sets and their properties, Continuous mappings, Sequence in a metric space, Complete metric spaces, Completeness of R, Definition and examples of topological spaces, indiscrete, discrete and cofinite topologie. Intersection and union of topologies, metric space as a topological space. Usual topology on R.R2 and R3 , Continuous mapping and homomorphism.
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Coordinate GeometryChange of axes, invariant part of straight lines, General equation of the second degree, central and non central conics, tengent, normal, chord of contact, pole polar, polar equation of conic and equations of its chord, tangent and normal Polar & cylindrical coordinates in three dimensions S.D. between two lines, Sphere, Cone and Cylinder.
VectorsTriple product of vector with applications, vector equations of lines, planes, sphere, Differentiation of Vector Functions and simnple applications.
TrigonometryDe Moivere’s theorem, Geogory’s series, Expansion of sine and cosine function and Hyperbolic function.
StaticsCoplanar forces, conditions of equilibrium, centre of gravity, including C.G. of compound bodies, simple machines.
DynamicsRelative velocity, Rectilinear motion with variable acceleration, simple Harmonic Mition, Projectiles, Reugean and inclined plane. Angular velocity. Tangential and normal accelerations, Motion inside and outside of a smooth vertical circle. Simple pendulum, Impulse, works & energy. Impulsive forces, Principle of enegry. Conservation of energy & linear momentum, Direct impact of elastic bodies.
Spherical Trigonometry and AstronomySpherical triangle and its properties – the sine formula, cosine formula, four parts formula, sinecosine formula. Celestial sphere, three systems of colestial coordinates, sidereal time, relation between R.A. and H.A., altitude of a body on the meridian, altitude of the celestial pole rising and setting of stars, circumpolar stars, annual motion of the sun, equinoxes, solstices, Planetary motion, synodic and orbital periods, Kepler’s laws, Geocentic parallax, annual parallax, Eclipses, maximum and minimum number of eclipses in a year.

Preliminary Examination Pattern

Paper-IGeneral Studies2002 hours
Paper-IIOne optional subject to be selected from the list of optional subjects2002 hours

Main Examination and Interview:

Paper-IGeneral English3003 hours
Paper-IIGeneral Studies3003 hours
(a & b)
Any two optional subjects to be selected from the list of optional subject (two papers each)2002 hours
2002 hours
(a & b)
Any two optional subjects to be selected from the list of optional subject (two papers each)2002 hours
2002 hours
Total6140014 hours

APSC Main Exam Syllabus

Syllabus of General Studies -C.C. Exam (Prel)

  • Indian Polity
  • Political System In India and Geography of India and assam
  • Current Events Of National And International Importance
  • Indian Economy
  • Planning Process In India
  • Role and Impact of Science And Technology In India
  • Indian Culture
  • Ancient and Modern History of India

Syllabus of General English:

  • Essay writing
  • Précis on unseen passage
  • Comprehension and expression
  • Correction of common error
  • Usage of vocabulary
  • Test of ability of candidate to write the substance in correct and precise language avoiding the inessentials points
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List of optional subjects-C.C. Exam.(Main)-(Total-29)

3Animal Husbandry & Vety Science
5Chemical Engineering
6Civil Engineering
9Computer Science
12Electrical Engineering
18LawModern Languages and Literature &
19Classical Language (any one only)
21Mechanical Engineering
22Medical Science
25Political Science


Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their management and conservation, Physical and Social environment as factors of crop distribution and production. Climatic elements as factors of crop growth impact of changing environments, Environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans.
Cropping patterns in different agro climatic zones of the county, Impact of high yielding patterns, Concepts of multiple cropping, Multi­story, Relay and intercropping and their importance in relation to food production, package of practices for production of important cereals, Pulses, Oilseed, Fibre, Sugar and Commercial crops grown during Kharif and Rabi seasons in different regions of the country.
Important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as extension / social forestry, agro­forestry and natural forests.
Weeds— their characteristics, dissemination and association with various crops, their multiplications, cultural, biological and chemical control of weeds.
Processes and factors of soil formation, Classification of Indian soils including modern concepts, Mineral and Organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil productivity problem, Soils extent and distribution in India and their reclamation, Essential Plant nutrient and other beneficial elements in soils and plants — their occurrence, factors affecting their distributions, functions and cycling in soil, Symbiotic and non­symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judical fertilizer use.
Soil conservation planning on water shed basis, Erosion and run­off management in hilly, foot hills and valley lands, processes factors affecting them, Dry land agriculture and its problems, Technology for stabilising agriculture production in rainfed agriculture area.
Water use efficiency in relation to crop production criteria or scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducting run off losses of irrigation water, Drainage of water logged soils.
Farm management, scope importance and characteristics, Farm planning and budgeting, Economics of different types of farming systems.
Marketing and pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs, Price fluctuations and their cost, Role of cooperatives in agricultural economy, Types and system of farming and factors affecting them.
Agricultural extension, its importance and role, Methods evaluation of extension programmes, Social­economic survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers and landless agricultural labourers, The farm mechanization and its role in agricultural production and rural employment, Training programmes for extension workers, Lab to land programmes.


  • Heredity and variation
  • Mendel’s Law of Inheritance
  • Chromosomal theory of inheritance
  • Cytoplasmic inheritance
  • Sex linked
  • Sex influenced and Sex limited characters. Spontaneous and induced mutations
  • Quantitative characters.
  • Origin and domestication of field crop
  • Morphology patterns of variations in varieties and related species of important field crops
  • Causes and utilization of variations in crop improvement.
  • Application of the principles of plant breeding to the improvement of major field crops
  • Methods of breeding of self and cross­pollinated crops
  • Introductions
  • selection
  • hybridization
  • Heterosis and its exploitation
  • Male sterility and self incompatibility
  • Utilization of Mutation and Polyploidy in breeding.
  • Seed technology and importance
  • production
  • processing and testing of seeds of Crop plants
  • Role of National and State seed organisations in production
  • Processing and marketing of improved seeds.
  • Physiology and its significance in agriculture
  • Nature
  • Physical properties and chemical constitution of protoplasm
  • Imbibition surface tension
  • Diffusion and osmosis
  • Absorption and translocation of water
  • Transpiration and water economy.
  • Enzymes and plant pigments
  • photosynthesis
  • modern concepts and factors affecting the process
  • Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  • Growth and development. Photo periodins and vernalization Auxim
  • Hormones and other plant regulators and their mechanism of action and importance in agriculture.
  • Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits
  • Plans and vegetable crops
  • the package of practices and the scientific basis for the same
  • Handling and marketing problems of fruits and vegetables
  • Principal methods of preservations
  • important fruits and vegetables products
  • Processing techniques and equipment. Role of fruits and vegetable in human nutrition. Land scape and floriculture including raising of ornaments plants and design and layout of lawns and gardens.
  • Diseases pests of field
  • vegetable
  • orchard and plantation crops of India and measures to control these
  • Causes and Classification of plant diseases
  • Principles of plant disease control including exclusion
  • eradication
  • immunization and protection
  • Biological control of pests and disease
  • Integrated management of pests and disease
  • Pesticides and their formulations
  • Plant protection equipment — their care and maintenance.
  • Strong pests of cereals and pulses
  • Hygiene of storage godowns
  • Preservation and remedial measure.
  • Food production and consumption trends in India
  • National and International food policies
  • Procurement
  • distribution
  • Processing and production constraints
  • Relation of food production to national dietary pattern
  • Major deficiencies of calorie and protein
  • Animal husbandry and Veterinary Science.
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Group A : Introduction to Physical Anthropology

  • Definition and Scope of Physical Anthropology. A general study of the animal skeleton.
  • Man’s place in the animal kingdom, Classification of the mammals and their characteristic features, Classification of primates and their characteristic features. Living primates— their distribution and significant characteristics, Living anthropoids—their distribution and significant characteristics. Position of man in the order Primate. Distinguishing characteristics of man.

Group B : Human Evolution :

  • General principal of organic evolution. Lamarckism and Darwinism. General idea of human evolution. Fossil evidences of human evolution. A general study of the following fossil types:
  • Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecinae, Pithecanthroupus, Sinanthroupus, Neanderthals, Cro­Magnon, Grimaldi and Chancelade man.

Group C : Elements of Genetics and Race :

  • Elementary knowledge of Genetics and Heredity. Biological basis of inheritance cell, Chromosome, gene, cell divns.
  • Mendel’s law of Inheritance
  • Definition and genetic concept of race, Principal criteria for racial classification: stature, skin, colour, head hair, head form, nose form, face form, eye, ABO blood groups. Role of heredity and environment in the formation of races.
  • Major groups of human races — their characteristics and distribution. Racial, Elements in India, Racial elements in North East India.

Group D : Prehistory

  • Definition, aims and scope of prehistory.
  • Geological time scale. Climatic fluctuation during the Pleistocene period—glacial and interglacial, pluvial and interpluvial periods.
  • Relative and absolute methods of dating. Prehistoric tool types and technology, tool families.
  • Palaeolithic cultures, main division of European and Indian Paleolithic cultures and their distinctive features, including chronological sequence.
  • A brief outline of the post­ pleistocene Mesolithic culture development in Europe. Characteristics of Neolithic culture and economy; Neolothic tool types and industries,
  • Neolithic economic patterns— domestication of plants and animals.
  • A brief introduction of Metal Age.


Social and Cultural Anthropology

Group A : Social Anthropology :

  • Scope of Social Anthropology and its relationship with other branches of anthropology and other disciplines (e.g. sociology, political, science, history, linguistics). Uses and applications of social anthropology— a brief introduction.
  • Concept of a society, basic features of human society, characteristic features of folk / primitive society.
  • Social institutions :

(a)      Marriage — Definition, forms (monogamy) and polygamy)

  • Regulation (exogamy and endogamy), rules of residence after marriage, preferential marriage (cousin marriage, sorrorate, levirate filial inheritance), ways of acquiring mates, marriage payments (bride price and down).

(b)      Family — Definition, types functions.

(c)      Kinship — Terminology, usages and behaviour­patterns.

(d)      Unilateral descent groups (lineage and clan) Definitions, types, functions.

Group B : Cultural Anthropology

  • Concept of culture in anthropology—meaning and definitions, material and non­ material culture, culture and society (the relationship between the two concepts), culture is learned (enculturation / socialization).
  • Material culture and subsistence economic pursuits of primitive peoples—gathering, hunting, fishing, pastoralism, agriculture (including shifting cultivation).
  • Culture change—culture contact and acculturations, evolution and diffusion (a brief and general idea).

Group C : Religion in Primitive/Non­literate Societies.

  • Definition and concept of religion in primitive society. Magic—different types of magic, Relation between magic and religion, Divination, spell and prayer.
  • A general outline of Animatism, Animism, Fetishism, Taboo, Man Toterism. Group D : Indian Society and Regional Ethnography of North East India : The concepts of tribe and caste. A brief outline of tribal populations of India.
  • Caste system in India—salient features, changing aspects of caste in India.
  • Introduction to North East India–the area and its distinctive tribal populations (their general) pattern of distribution and important socio­economic characteristics.
  • A Study of material culture and social­economic life of any one of the following Scheduled Tribes of Assam.

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