Bihar Judicial Service Examination Syllabus
Bihar Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

Title: Detailed Bihar Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

Name of OrganisationPatna High Court
Name of PostsCivil Judge
Recruitment DetailsPatna High Court Civil Judge
Type of TestObjective Type
Test ModeOnline (Computer Based Test – CBT)

Detailed Bihar Judicial Service Examination Exam Pattern

The prelims examination has two papers

  • Paper 1 – multiple choice questions from General Studies / General Knowledge for 100 marks.
  • Paper 2- multiple choice questions from Law topics for 150 marks.

The main exam consists of two groups of papers and the viva-voce exam

  • Compulsory Papers
  • Optional Papers

Detailed Bihar Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

There are five compulsory papers, of which Hindi & English are of qualifying nature.

  1. General Knowledge / General Studies including Current Affairs – 150 marks
  2. Elementary General Science – 100 marks
  3. General Hindi – 100 marks
  4. General English – 100 marks
  5. Law of Evidence and Procedure – 150 marks

There will be a choice of five optional papers, from which, candidates have to select three :

  1. Optional Constitutional Law of India and England – 150 marks
  2. Hindu law and Mohammedan law – 150 marks
  3. Transfer of Property Act, Principles of Equity, Law of Trusts and Specific Relief Act – 150 marks
  4. Law of Contract and Torts – 150 marks
  5. Commercial Law – 150 marks
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Details :

General Knowledge / General Studies paper for the Bihar Judicial Service Exams will consist of questions from the following areas :

Current events of national and international importance
History of India and Indian National Movement
Indian and World Geography
Indian Polity and Economy
General Analytical & Reasoning skills

English paper for the Bihar Judicial Service Exams will consist of questions from the following areas :

Spotting Errors in sentences and phrases
Antonyms and Synonyms
Fill in the blanks with missing words
Usage of prepositions, idioms, and phrases
Word analogies
Test of spellings
Re-arranging sentences
Questions to test comprehension – with a passage to be read and questions based on the same.

Mathematics (Typically of a +2 level)  paper for the Bihar Judicial Service Exams will consist of questions from the following areas :

Algebra & Linear Algebra
Calculus & Trigonometry
Analytic Geometry
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Vector & Complex Analysis

We have provided the Bihar Judicial Service Examination Exam Syllabus in the form of a pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the Bihar Judicial Service Examination Pdf by using the below link free of cost.

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