CS Executive Syllabus
CS Executive Syllabus

CS Executive Syllabus

Institute of Company Secretaries of India has updated CS Executive Syllabus for the exam which is to be held in Dec 2018 & June 2019. Participants are now able to check their New Syllabus in the form of PDF and download it through online mode.

CS Executive Exam Pattern

SubjectsMarks for Each Subject
Module 1
Company Law100 Marks
Cost & Management Accounting100 Marks
Economic & Commercial Laws100 Marks
Tax Laws & Practice100 Marks
Module 2
Company Accountants and Auditing Practices100 Marks
Capital Markets and Securities Laws100 Marks
Industrial, Labor and General Laws100 Marks

CS Executive Syllabus

Company Law
Introduction,Incorporation and its Consequences,Financial Structure,Membership in a Company,Management and Control of Companies,Investments,Loans and Deposits,Accounts and Audit,Dividends,Registers,Forms and Returns,Inspection and Investigation,Majority Rule and Minority Rights,Producer Companies,Limited Liability Partnerships,Application of Company Law to Different Sectors,Offences and Penalties,Compounding of Offences,Winding up of Companies,Striking Off Name of Companies,An Introduction to E-Governance and XBRL
Cost & Management Accounting
Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting,Material Cost,Labor Cost,Direct Expenses and Overheads,Activity Based Costing (ABC),Cost Records,Costing Systems,Marginal Costing,Standard Costing,Budget, Budgeting and Budgetary Control,Cost Accounting Records and Cost AuditAnalysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements.
Economic and Commercial Laws Paper
Part AForeign Exchange ManagementForeign Trade Policy and ProceduresCompetition and Consumer ProtectionIntellectual Property RightsLaw relating to Arbitration and ConciliationLaw relating to Transfer of PropertyLaw relating to StampsLaw relating to ContractPrevention of Money LaunderingPart BLaw relating to Essential Commodities, Weights, and MeasuresLaw relating to SocietiesLaw relating to TrustsIndustries Development and
RegulationLaw relating to Pollution Control
and Environmental ProtectionLaw relating to Registration
of Documents
Tax Laws and Practice
Part ABasics and Definitions – Income
Tax Act , 1961Incomes which do not form
part of Total IncomeComputation of Total Income
under Various HeadsIncome of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income;Tax Planning & Tax ManagementWealth Tax Act, 1956Basic Concepts of International TaxationTransfer PricingGeneral Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)
Part BAn Overview of Service TaxAn Overview of Value Added Tax
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices
Part AShare CapitalDebenturesFinal Accounts of CompaniesCorporate RestructuringConsolidation of AccountsValuation of Shares and
Intangible Assets Liquidation
of CompanyCorporate Financial ReportingAccounting Standards
Part BAuditing ConceptsTypes of Company AuditInternal AuditInternal ControlReview of Internal ControlAudit Engagement and Documentation
Capital Market And Securities Laws
Part AOverview of Capital MarketCapital Market Instruments
and RatingSecurities Market IntermediariesMarket Infrastructure Institutions
– Stock ExchangesDebt MarketMoney MarketMutual FundsVenture CapitalCollective Investment SchemesResource Mobilization in
International Capital MarketIndian Depository Receipts
Part BSecurities Contracts (Regulation)
Act, 1956 SEBI Act, 1992Depositories Act, 1996Issue and Listing of SecuritiesRegulatory Framework relating
to Securities Market IntermediariesAn Overview of Law relating to Insider Trading and Takeovers
Industrial, Labour and General Laws
Part AFactories Act, 1948Minimum Wages Act, 1948Payment of Wages Act, 1936Equal Remuneration Act, 1976Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948Employees’ Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952Payment of Bonus Act, 1965Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972Employees Compensation Act, 1923Contract Labor (Regulation and Abolition)
Act, 1970Maternity Benefit Act,1961Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation)
Act, 1986Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946Industrial Disputes Act, 1947Trade Unions Act, 1926The Labor Laws Exemption from
Furnishing Returns and
Maintaining Register by Certain
Establishments Act, 1988Employment Exchanges Act, 1959Apprentices Act, 1961Labor Audit covering the above Acts
and those Industry specific Acts
Part BConstitution of IndiaInterpretation of StatutesAn Overview of Law relating to
Specific Relief; Limitation and EvidenceCode of Civil ProcedureIndian Penal Code and
Criminal Procedure CodeRight to Information
See also  Syllabus for MTS LABORATORY @ Deshbandhu College


Q1. Is there any negative marking in CS executive exam?

Ans. No, there will be no negative marking for any wrong answered question.

Q2. How many papers are there in CS executive?

Ans. There are 7 papers in CS Executive exam

Q3. What is the salary of CS?

Ans. The monthly starting salary can be anywhere between Rs.28, 000 and Rs.40, 000.

CS Executive Syllabus Download Here

Appliers of CS Executive Vacancies will be required to appear for recruitment exam to get recruited for the posts of Company Secretory. CS Executive Syllabus and exam pattern will help them to prepare well for their written test which will be duly conducted by the selection committee of the organization.

By following the direct official links, candidates will be easily able to get their CS Executive exam pattern and syllabus through its official website which is recently updated as per the norms and conditions of the organization.

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