DSSSB AE JE Syllabus
DSSSB AE JE Syllabus

DSSSB Asst Engineer Exam Pattern

TierPost CodeExam CodeTimeTotal
Two Tier(Technical-II)1/19
II-T-T2Tier 1200200N.A200Section – A:-MCQs of one mark each as per existing examination scheme {1. General Awareness. 2. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of English Language & Comprehension. (20 Marks each): 100 Marks}
Section- B:- Subject/Qualification related paper)-
2 hrs
Tier II20020050250Part – I: Subject / Qualification Related Paper: 200 Marks (80% Weightage)
Part – II: (Descriptive) (50 Marks) (A) Essay (In English) :30 Marks (B) Letter writing/Expansion of idea (In English) : 20 Marks (20% weightage)
3 hrs
Two Tier(Technical-1)3/19,
II-T-T1Tier I200200N.A200Section – A:-MCQs of one mark each as per existing
examination scheme 1. General Awareness. 2. General
Intelligence & Reasoning ability. 3. Arithmetical & Numerical
Ability. 4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension. 5. Test of
English Language & Comprehension.
(20 Marks each)
Section- B:- Subject / Qualification Related Paper
:100 Marks.
2 Hrs
Tier II200200N.A200A). Subject / Qualification Related Paper: 150 Marks (150 Question) (75% Weightage)
B). English Language & Comprehension 50 Marks
(50 Question) (25% weightage)
2 Hrs
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DSSSB JE/AE Exam Syllabus TIER- I

DSSSB Jr Engineer Exam Syllabus for General Awareness

Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society. The questions will be designed to test knowledge of Current Events and of such a matter of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to History, Polity, Constitution, Sports, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, Everyday Science, Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions etc

DSSSB Jr Engineer Syllabus for General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability:

The syllabus of General  Intelligence  &  Reasoning Ability includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. The test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc

DSSSB AE/JE Syllabus for Arithmetical & Numerical Ability

: The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Abilities will cover Number Systems including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Data Interpretation, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs etc

See also  IIT Kharagpur Junior Executive Exam Previous Papers

DSSSB AE JE Syllabus for Hindi Language & Comprehension and English Language & Comprehension:

In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding and comprehension of the English and Hindi Languages, questions on its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, and its correct usage etc. would also be covered etc


.Part-I (MCQ/Objective type)

  • General Intelligence & reasoning ability – same as in One Tier exam but with the slightly higher level
  • Quantitative Aptitude – In addition to Arithmetical and Numerical Abilities as in tier-I with slightly higher level, there will be questions on data interpretation.
  • General Awareness in addition to topics given for Tier-I there shall be the question on history, culture, demography, geography & economy of Delhi, Administrative set up and Governance in NCT of Delhi, various schemes of Delhi
  • English language & Comprehension – same as in Tier-I but with the slightly higher level

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