Management Trainee HAL Syllabus
Management Trainee HAL Syllabus

HAL Syllabus

General Awareness

Topics covered in general awareness section are given below:

  • Latest happenings of the country
  • Current affairs of India with other countries
  • Recent development in the country
  • Technical progress and new invention of the science world
  • Social and cultural issues
  • Economy and its issues
  • General science related questions

English and Reasoning

Topics covered in English and reasoning part is given below:

  • Language related MCQ’s
  • Grammar questions
  • Checking of verb, tenses and level of fluency in sentences
  • Analogy and data reasoning
  • Sentence interpretation
  • Idioms, phrases recognition
  • Error recognitions
  • Comprehension passages

Technical (from your stream only)

Topics to be covered in section related to specified trade are given below:

Engineering trade: The engineering discipline aspirants must solve all the queries all related to their trade with the help of competitive books. The basics and the numeric part must be solved with full practice.

Human resource trade: This trade will consist of as the name says on the humans relations. The legal and industrial relations and its issues are to be covered in this section. All the laws meant for the employees and their benefits and various other human resource management issues are to be covered under this.

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Exam Pattern for Management Trainee Exam

  • The written examination will consist of three major sections and each section consist objective type questions.
  • The exam will be for two and a half hour duration.
  • The first section will be of general awareness that will consist of 20 questions, second one will be English and reasoning consisting of 40 questions and the third section will be of technical section consisting of 100 questions.
  • The technical section will be the major part that will basically consist of the discipline for which the candidate has applied.

Total no. of Questions: 160

General Engineering20
General Awareness40
Specific Discipline100

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