IFS Syllabus
IFS Syllabus

IFS Prelims Exam Pattern:

  • Prelims exam of IFS includes Paper I and Paper II
  • It will be structure in both English and Hindi languages
  • Paper I will consist of 100 questions whereas Paper II will include 80 questions
  • Total marks for both the papers will be 200
  • Each candidate will be given 2 hours to complete the exam
Paper IGeneral Studies200 Marks
Paper IIGeneral Ability or Aptitude200 Marks
Total400 Marks

IFS Mains Exam Pattern :

  • IFS Mains Examination consists of VI Papers
  • This will be computer based test
  • Multiple choice questions will be asked in Mains
SubjectMaximum Marks
General English300
General Knowledge300
Paper-III, IV, V & VI
Any two subjects which are
selected by the candidate
from the list of the optional
Each subject will havetwo papers, 200 marksfor each paper.

Interview Pattern

  • Interview Type: Personality Test
  • Marks: 300 Marks

IFS Syllabus

Paper I: General English
English paper would consist of an essay
and passages to write summary.

Level of standard for General English and
General Knowledge papers are designed
for a Science or Engineering graduate.

Other questions are framed to examine
general understanding of English and
use of words that are used every day.
Paper 2nd: General Knowledge
Current Event of National and International importance
History of India and Indian National Movement
Indian and world Geography
Indian polity and  Governance
Economic and social Development
General Science
Paper 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
Agricultural Engineering
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
See also  UPSC IAS Prelims Syllabus Civil Services Pre Paper–I, II Exam Syllabus

IFS Optional Paper Syllabus

Agricultural Engineering
Paper 1
Section A: Soil and water conservation,
Aerial Photography and Remote SensingSection B: Irrigation and Drainage,
Agricultural Structures
Paper 2
Section A: Farm Power and Machinery,
Agro-energySection B: Agricultural Process Engineering,
Instrumental and computer
applications in Agriculture
Animal Husbandry
Paper 1
Animal NutritionAnimal PhysiologyLivestock ProductionGenetics
Paper 2
Health and HygieneAnimal DiseasesVeterinary Public HealthMilk and Milk Product TechnologyExtension
Paper 1 (IFS Pre)
MicrobiologyCryptogams,PhanerogamsPlant Utility
Paper 2
Cell BiologyGeneticsPlant BreedingBiochemistryEcologyForest type of India
Paper 1
Section A: Linear Algebra, Calculus,
Analytics GeometrySection B: Differential Equations,
Dynamics, Vector Analysis
Paper 2
Section A: Algebra, Real Analysis,
Linear ProgrammingSection B: Partial Differential Equations,
Numeric Integration, Numeric
Analysis, Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics
Paper 1
Section A: Non-chordata and chordateSection B: Ecology, Ethology, Economic
Zoology, Biostatistics,
Instrumental Methods.
Paper 2
Section A: Topics covered in IFS Syllabus:
Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Systematic.Section B: Biochemistry, Psychology,
Developmental Biology

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