The Navy has the following three Commands, each under the control of a Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief:-

• The Western Naval Command (Headquarters at Mumbai).

• The Eastern Naval Command (Headquarters at Visakhapatnam)

• The Southern Naval Command (Headquarters at Kochi)

The Western and the Eastern Naval Commands are ‘Operational Commands’, and exercise control over operations in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal respectively. The Southern Command is the Training Command.

Here we have provided the information regarding Indian Navy Chargeman syllabus. Check the below details of Indian Navy Chargeman syllabus before appearing the test.

Syllabus of Indian Navy Chargeman:

i. General English:

(a) Questions based on passage,(b) Change to passive/ active voice,(c) Punctuation (d) Use of adjectives, use of verbs, use of pronouns, prepositions (e) Tenses, (f) Substituting phrasal verbs for expression, (g) One word substitution, (h) Correction of sentences. (10 marks)

ii. Numerical Ability/ Logical Reasoning:

(a) Basic Maths, quadratic equations, use of logarithm & Mathematical tables, average, percentage, ratio and proportion (b) Determination of area of ellipse, parabola, hyperbola and other irregular, surfaces (c) Surface area and volume of pyramid, cone, sphere, cylinder etc. with problems (d) Basic idea of function, limits, continuity, differential and integral calculus (e) Scalars and vectors, vector algebra, dot, cross and triple product (f) Matrix algebra, calculation of inverse, Eigen values and Eigen vectors (g) Elementary logical problems (h) Elementary statistics-calculation of mean, median, mode, data analysis.(10 marks)

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iii. Science & Technology:

(a) Newton’s laws of motion, Archimedes principle, mass, weight, density, gravity (b) Numerical on work, force, power, friction, inclined plane, lever (c)Basics of optics and laws of reflection/refraction, wave propagation (d) Propagation of sound waves, Doppler effect, ultrasonic, waves (e) Laws of electricity & magnetism with numerical on current, voltage resistors etc, Gauss’s law, AC circuits, oscillators (f) Elasticity, surface tension, viscosity and escape velocity problems (g) Safety precaution & fire prevention, use of various fire extinguishers (h) Knowledge of various precision measuring instruments and their counts (i) Knowledge of mechanical engineering drawing (first and third angle projection, isometric view), Working knowledge on computer & internet. (70 Marks)

v. General Knowledge: (a) Current affairs (b) Defence (Army/Navy/Air Force) related Acronyms (c) Eminent personalities (Indians/foreigners) (d) Navy related (Ship, Ports) (e) Important national facts (f) Capitals & currencies (g) Sports & Entertainment (h) Regional geography.(10 Marks) 

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