NMRC Syllabus
NMRC Syllabus

NMRC Syllabus

NMRC Syllabus For SC/TO/ CRA / Account and Office Assistant and Maintainer

General AwarenessLogical Ability
Current Affairs (National and International)SportsBudget and Five Year PlansBudget and Five Year PlansWho is who?Major Financial/Economic NewsBooks and AuthorsAwards and HonorsAbbreviations & Important Days and moreScience – Inventions and DiscoveriesVerbalNumber & Alphabet SeriesTest of Direction SenseCoding-DecodingArithmetical ReasoningProblem on Age CalculationBlood Relations & Decision Making etcNon-Verbal:Non-Verbal SeriesMirror ImagesGrouping Identical & Embedded Figures
ReasoningNumerical Ability
Logical ReasoningAlphanumeric SeriesSyllogismData SufficiencyBlood RelationsSeating ArrangementInput OutputPuzzle TabulationCoding Decoding.Coded InequalitiesRanking/ Alphabet Test/ DirectionTime & DistanceRatio & Proportion, PercentageSequence & SeriesData Interpretation alsoNumber SystemsSurds & IndicesProfit & LossMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereMixtures & AlligationsWork & TimeSimple Interest & Compound InterestPermutation, CombinationProbabilitySimplification
General ScienceGeneral English
PhysicsEnvironmental ScienceChemistryBiologyVerb, Preposition adverbsubject verb agreementError Correction/ recognition,tensessen tences rearrangementfill in the blanks with articles etc. comprehensionanswering questions based on unseen passagevocabulary, synonyms and antonyms usage, vocabulary & grammar, Proficiency in language

NMRC Engineer Syllabus

General Awareness, Logical Ability and Reasoning and Numerical Ability: Same As Above

Electrical SyllabusCivil Syllabus
Network AnalysisPower Electronics & DrivesElectronics DevicesElectromagnetic TheoryAnalog and Digital ElectronicsElectrical InstrumentationPower System Analysis & ControlUtilization of Electrical EnergyPower System ProtectionControl SystemsPower SystemsElectrical MachinesSwitch Gear and Protection etc.The Design of R.C.C. Structure, steel structure, masonry structureConcrete TechnologySurveyingConstructionHydrologyEngineering MaterialsStructural AnalysisConstruction Equipment, Planning and ManagementThe Strength of MaterialsIrrigation EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEstimation and CoatingTransportation EngineeringEngineering Drawings, etc
Mechanical SyllabusElectronics Syllabus
Refrigerator and Air-ConditioningManufacturing ProcessPattern MakingHeat PowerStrength Of MaterialsAir CompressorWelding And Allied ProcessesFluid Mechanics And MachinesEngineering MechanicsMachine Tools etcBasic Electronics/ Power ElectronicsAdvanced CommunicationsCircuit Theory/ Digital ElectronicsPower Electronics & DrivesMeasurement & InstrumentationAnalog ElectronicsIndustrial ElectronicsMicroprocessors & MicrocontrollersDigital CommunicationsAnalog CommunicationsComputer Hardware etc
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NMRC Exam Pattern:

  • Written Exam is of Multiple Choice Objective Type and written test consists of two papers such as Paper I and Paper II.
  • Paper II is not for Maintainer Posts.
  • There will be deduction of marks and 1/3 marks will be deducted for any wrong answer.
  • Question will be set in Hindi & English language.
  • Written Test can be conducted either through online or through offline (OMR) mode.

NMRC SC/TO & CRA Exam Pattern:

PaperSubjectsNo. of QuestionsDuration
Paper IGeneral ScienceGeneral AwarenessLogical AbilityReasoningNumerical Ability12090 Minutes
Paper IIGeneral English6045 Minutes

Exam Pattern for Account Assistant/ JE/ Office Assistant/ Stenographer:

PaperSubjectsNo. of QuestionsDuration
Paper 1General awareness4590 minutes
Logical ability
Numerical Ability
Technical/professional sphere7545 minutes
Paper 2General English60

NMRC Maintainer Exam Pattern:

PaperSubjectsNo. of QuestionsDuration
Paper ITechnical/Professional sphere7590 Minutes
Numerical Ability05
logical ability and Reasoning10
General English10

NMRC Selection Process:

Written Exam:

For hiring the willing applicants organization will organize the written exam. Under the examination includes two papers such as paper I & Paper II. Both the papercontain of 180 questions and duration of the exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes. For each wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted.

See also  RRB NTPC Syllabus for RRB Non-Tech 1/2/3 Stage

Skill Test in Stenography:

  • From this test you can easily gain the marks.
  • Candidate will be given one dictation in English language for 10 min at the speed of 80 words per minute.
  • The matter will be written in Computer only. Transcription time will be of 40 minutes (English).

Medical Test:

Candidates need to clear medical fitness and meet the medical standards as prescribed for post wise vacancy.

Personal Interview:

Contenders who will clear in written examination they will be shortlisted for Personal Interview which will be conducted by selection panel of organization.

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