NPCIL Deputy Manager Exam Pattern

Syllabus for NPCIL Deputy Manager Junior Hindi Translator
- General Awareness
- Science
- Mathematics
Syllabus for Reasoning
Logical Sequence of Words, Arrangements, Figure Classification, Clocks & Calendars, Non-herbal Series, Number Series, Number Ranking, Arithmetical Computation, Alphabet Series, Coding-Decoding, Analogy, Problem Solving, Embedded Figures, Arithmetical Number Series, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Reasoning, Relationship Concepts etc.
Syllabus for English
Idioms & Phrases, Sentence Rearrangement, Fill in the Blanks, Shuffling of sentence parts, Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word substitutions, Error Correction, Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension, Sentence structure, Verbal Comprehension, Unseen Passages, Subject-Verb Agreement etc.
Syllabus for Aptitude
Number Systems, Decimals and Fractions, Averages, Percentages, Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Profit and Loss, Discount, Problems on Ages, Pipes & Cisterns, Problems on Trains, Ratio and Time, The relationship between Numbers, Computation of Whole Numbers, Time and Distance, Mixtures & Proportions, Time and Work., Fundamental arithmetical operations etc.
Syllabus for General Intelligence
Problem Solving, Number Ranking, Number Series, Arrangements, Alphabet Series, Analogy, Figure Classification, Clocks & Calendars, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding, Logical Sequence of Words, Similarities and Differences, Arithmetical Computation, Relationship Concepts, Embedded Figures, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Number Series, Arithmetical Reasoning etc.
Syllabus for General Knowledge
Gujarat – General knowledge, Important Rivers, Top Events, Tourism Places, Sports, Important Schemes for Development, Culture, Polity, Arts, Heritage, Authors, Pilgrimage Places, Society, Literature.
Exam Pattern for NPCIL Deputy Manager 2019 Junior Hindi Translator
- The exam is of Objective i.e it consists of Multiple Choice Questions.
- Duration of the exam is of 2 Hours.
- The exam consists of 100 Marks.
- Each Question Carries one Mark.
- The exam consists of 4 sections.
- Each Section consists of 25 question & 25 marks.
IDENTITY VERIFICATION for NPCIL Deputy Manager Junior Hindi Translator
The original certificates/documents of successful candidates will be verified for which dates will be notified after declaration of result. On the basis of written test, the provisionally qualified candidates will be required to produce original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications along with one set of photocopy, duly attested,
The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Online Examination.
- Certificates and Mark sheets of qualifying examinations.
- Aadhar card.
- Proof of Educational Qualifications.
- Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
- School Study Certificate
- Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming examination fee exemption)
- No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)