Punjab Judicial Service Syllabus
Punjab Judicial Service Syllabus

Title: Detailed Punjab Judicial Service Examination Syllabus

Name of OrganisationPunjab and Haryana High Court
Name of PostsJudicial Magistrate
Official Websitehttps://highcourtchd.gov.in/
Recruitment DetailsPunjab and Haryana High Court Judicial Magistrate
Type of TestObjective Type
Test ModeOnline (Computer Based Test – CBT)

Punjab Judiciary Prelims Syllabus

As there are five sections (Main Subject of Law, Current Affairs, Indian Legal & Constitutional History and Governance, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning) from which multiple-choice questions will be asked in the exam from the Syllabus for PCS Judiciary Punjab.

Punjab PCS Judiciary Syllabus for Law

We have mentioned all the topics for the main subject of the Law in the following points. Also, candidates can download the Punjab Judiciary Exam Syllabus PDF and save it for future reference to get an offline syllabus.

  1. International Law and Municipal Law
  2. Subjects, State Territory, Air, Sea, and outer space
  3. Nationality and Statelessness
  4. Law in Changing Society
  5. Contemporary Issues and Prospects
  6. State Jurisdiction
  7. United Nations
  8. Company and Financial Market Regulation I
  9. Law Relating to Prevention and Punishment for Corruption
  10. Comparative Constitution

Punjab Judiciary Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

Here are the topics of the quantitative aptitude section of the Prelims Exam in the following table. This table covers each topic from which questions will be asked in the exam.

Problems on TrainOdd Man OutSimple InterestCompound InterestQuadratic Equation
Problems on NumbersMixtures and AllegationsPercentageRaces and GamesProfit and Loss
Pipes and CisternsRatio and ProportionNumber and AgesTime and Work PartnershipBoat and Stream
Permutation and CombinationTime and DistanceIndices and SurdsAveragesGeometry and Mensurations
VolumesSimple EquationsProbabilityAreasSimplification and Approximation
Problems of LCM and HCFLogarithmsProgressionsData SufficiencyPipe and Cisterns 

 PCS Judiciary Syllabus Punjab for Reasoning

In the following table, there is a detailed reasoning syllabus for the Punjab Judiciary Exam. It helps candidates know the topics from which questions will be asked in the exam’s reasoning section.

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Number SeriesClassificationBlood RelationCoding-DecodingAnalogies
Statements and AssumptionsBinary LogicClocks & CalendarsCubes & DiceLetter Series
Seating ArrangementVenn DiagramsProblem SolvingCoded InequalitiesPuzzles and Syllogisms
InferencesSituation Reaction TestDecision MakingSymbols and NotationsAssertion and Reason
Direction Sense TestVerification of Truth of the StatementLogical Sequence Of WordsDouble LineupLogical Deductions
Evaluating Course of ActionStatements and ConclusionsMathematical and Computer OperationsCritical ReasoningRoutes & Networks
Grouping & SelectionsMirror ImageGrouping Identical FiguresFigure Matrix QuestionsNonVerbal Series 

 Punjab Judiciary Exam Syllabus for Current Affairs

Look at the table to know the topics of the current affairs asked in the exam. Candidates are suggested to prepare for this section of the exam by reading daily newspapers and magazines.

Inventions and DiscoveriesSports and GeneralIndian HistoryIndian Parliament
Important Days & DatesImportant Books & AuthorsIndian PoliticsEducation
Government SchemesCurrent EventsRivers, Lakes, and SeasFamous Places in India
TourismCountries, Capitals, and CurrenciesArtistsObituary
BankingScience and TechnologyEnvironmentEconomy
AwardsInternational AffairsCurrent Ministers & GovernorsBusiness
Indian Financial SystemFestivitySummits & ConferencesAbbreviations and Economic Terminologies 

Punjab Judiciary Mains Syllabus

In the Mains Exam Level of the Punjab Judiciary Exam, there are also five sections (Civil Law I, Civil Law-II, Criminal Law, English Language, and Punjabi Language). Here in the following tables and points, we are mentioning the detailed Punjab Judiciary Mains Syllabus that helps prepare the candidate who successfully qualified for the Prelims Exam.

Civil Law-I Syllabus for PCS Judiciary Punjab

Go through the table to know the Civil Law I syllabus for the PPSC. Candidates are suggested to get the basic knowledge about the Laws mentioned in the following points.

  1. Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
  2. Punjab Courts Act
  3. Indian Contract Act, 1872
  4. Indian Sales of Goods Act
  5. Indian Partnership Act
  6. Specific Relief Act, 1963
  7. Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
  8. East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949
  9. Indian Evidence Act, 1872
  10. Limitation Act, 1963
  11. Indian Easements Act 1882
  12. Registration Act, 1908
  13. Indian Stamp Act, 1899
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Punjab Judiciary Exam Syllabus for Civil Law-II

Check the below table to know the Syllabus for Civil Law-II for PPSC. Applicants are advised not to go with the deep knowledge of Law mentioned in the following points. The level questions will be based on the basic detail about the Law topics.

  1. Hindu Law
  2. Mohammedan Law
  3. Customary Law
  4. Law of Registration and Limitation
  5. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
  6. Hindu Succession Act, 1956

Punjab Judiciary Syllabus for Criminal Law

In the following table, there are topics from which criminal law questions will be asked in the PPSC exam. Candidates can also download the Punjab Judiciary Exam 2022 Syllabus PDF from the link given in this article.

Indian Evidence Act, 1872Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) ActIndian Penal Code, 1860
Criminal Rules of PracticeIndian Evidence Act, 1872A.P. Excise Act, 1968 

PCS Judiciary Syllabus Punjab for General English

In the below table, the topics for General English were mentioned for the applicants who are preparing for the Punjab Public Service Commission.

Fill in the blanksSpotting ErrorsPara Completion
Joining SentencesError CorrectionSynonyms
Spelling TestSubstitutionPassage Completion
Idioms and PhrasesAntonymsActive and Passive Voice
SubstitutionSentence ImprovementPrepositions
Sentence ArrangementSentence PatternError Correction (Underlined Part)
HomophonesSuffix and PrefixTag Questions 

Punjab PCS Judiciary Syllabus for the Punjabi Language

It is compulsory for the students applying for the PPSC to know the Punjabi language as it is an important section of the PPSC Mains Syllabus of the Punjab Judiciary Exam.

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Go to the table given down to know the topics asked in the Paper of the Punjabi in Gurmukhi Script.

Origin of Punjabi languageLanguage and dialect
Punjab MorphologyModern trends
Punjabi LiteratureVocabulary
Punjabi GrammerPassage Writing 

Punjab Judiciary Exam Pattern

As per the official notification of the Punjab High Court, there are three levels of the exam. Check the following tables to understand the marking scheme of the various levels of PPSC with the help of the Punjab Judiciary Exam Pattern.

Punjab Judiciary Prelims Exam Pattern

  • The Prelims Paper is qualified in nature, and questions will be asked in the form of objective type (MCQ).
  • For each wrong answered question, applicants have to give a penalty of 1/5th marks from the correct answer.
  • There is no deduction for any unanswered questions.
  • The objective type questions for the Prelims Exam will be from the PCS Judiciary Syllabus Punjab prescribed for the Mains Written Exam.
  • Look at the table to know the number of questions asked in each section of Prelims and the exam’s time duration.
Name Of The SubjectNo of QuestionsTotal Marks
Main Subjects of Law125 (Four Marks for each Question)500
Current Affairs125 (Four Marks for each Question)500
Indian Legal & Constitutional History and Governance125 (Four Marks for each Question)500
Reasoning125 (Four Marks for each Question)500
Aptitude125 (Four Marks for each Question)500
Time duration: 2 Hours

Punjab Judiciary Mains Exam Pattern

  • It is a descriptive type (Written Exam).
  • The basic knowledge of the law will be observed in the exam. Applicants do not need to go for a deep study for the Law.
  • A set of questions will be asked in which aspirants have to give the facts of a typical situation and ask the applicant to frame problems, write a judgment, and discuss the admissibility of testimony.
  • The least qualifying scores in the language paper of Punjabi (Gurmukhi Script) will be (33%) thirty-three percent.
  • In the following table, we have mentioned the marking scheme’s segregation based on the sections of the Mains Exam and the time duration.
PapersSubject NamesNumber of Marks
Paper ICivil Law200
Paper-IICivil Law200
Paper IIICriminal Law200
Paper IVEnglish Language200
Paper VPunjabi Language150
Total Marks950
Time DurationThree Hours for Each Section

Punjab Judiciary Preparation Tips

The applicants preparing for the PPSC Exam for the post of Civil Judge can check out the below points for the Punjab Judiciary Tips and Tricks that help the aspirant score well in the exam.

  • Make a time table to start preparing for the exam based on the syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Schedule the time for each section of the Prelims and Mains Exam of PPSC.
  • Download the sample papers and previous year’s question papers from the internet.
  • Practice as much as possible with the mock test series to understand the exam’s pattern and level.
  • Set the time while practicing and try to speed up solving questions with accuracy.
  • Make a slot for revision and doubt sessions. To avoid the mistakes and clear the doubts.

We have provided the Punjab Judicial Service Examination Exam Syllabus in the form of a pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the Punjab Judicial Service Examination Pdf by using the below link free of cost.

Watch out for the latest updates that we share regularly on MySarkariNaukri. All the best for your exam..!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the mode of the Punjab Judiciary Exam?

The mode of the exam is online. In the Prelims Exam, applicants need to choose one correct answer from the four options and mark it on the screen. Whereas, in the Mains Exam, aspirants have to write the exam with a keyboard’s help.

What is the time duration for the Mains Exam?

As the Mains Exam is a descriptive type exam, candidates will get three hours separately to complete each section of the PPSC Mains Exam. For the two language papers- General English and Punjabi Language, the limit is the same for these two sections.

What are the subjects included in the PPSC Civil Judge Prelims Exam?

Five subjects will be asked in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (Objective Type) for the Prelims Exam. The sections the questions will be asked in the Prelims Exam of PPSC are- Main Subject of Law, Current Affairs, Indian Legal & Constitutional History and Governance, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.

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