PRSU Syllabus
PRSU Syllabus

PRSU Syllabus

Students who are pursuing MA/B.Com/BA/M.SC/B.SC/BBA and other Programme from Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, they can now check the PRSU Syllabus 2019 (PDF) by simply hitting on the below mentioned direct links.

PRSU Syllabus
Conducting BodyPt. Ravishankar Shukla University
CategoryPRSU Raipur Syllabus
PRSU UG SyllabusGet Here
PRSU PG SyllabusGet Here
PRSU M.Phil SyllabusGet Here
PRSU Diploma SyllabusGet Here
PRSU Ph.D. SyllabusGet Here

PRSU Syllabus – Subject Wise

Students can hit on the below provided direct links to get their PRSU Raipur Syllabus for the desired subjects-

Graduate Courses
LLB Three year semester systemBCA-I, II & III
Post-Graduate Courses
LLMM.Lib. I.Sc.
M.Com Semester & AnnualMBA
MA MSc MathematicsMCA
M.Phil Courses
M.Phil BiotechnologyM.Phil Electronics
M.Phil Computer ScienceM.Phil History
M.Phil PhysicsM.Phil Statistics
Diploma Courses
PG Diploma in Regional
Planning & Development
Diploma in European and Asian Languages English
PH.D Courses

PRSU Syllabus for M.Phil (Statistics)


Research Methodology, Quantitative Methods & Computer applications

Unit I
Research methodology: An introduction, meaning of research, objective of research, Research Methods versus Methodology, Selection of research problem, Necessity of defining the problem. Technique involved in Defining a problem.Methods of Data Collection: Collection of Primary data, construction of questionnaire, Collection of data through questionnaire, Difference between questionnaires and schedules , Some other methods of data collections, Collection of Secondary data, Processing and analysis of data. Use of Statistical packages, SPSS for data analysis.
Unit II
A review of Simple Random Sampling, Estimation of population proportion, Stratified sampling, Optimum Allocation, Practical difficulty in adopting Neyman Allocation, formation of strata. Systematic sampling. PPS sampling, Multistage sampling.
Unit III
The structure and formation of a linear programming problem,Graphical and simplex procedure,Two phase methods, and charne’s-M method with artificial variables ; duality theorem. Transportation and Assignment problems, Routing and traveling salesman problem. Inventory problems – Deterministic models of inventory , Economic Lot size formula ,instantaneous production case ,finite production rates situation ,cases when shortages are allowed /not allowed. Stochastic inventory models – a single period model with no set up cost.
Acceptance sampling plans for attribute inspection; single, double and sequential sampling plans and their properties; Bayesian sampling plan. Plans for inspection by variables for one-sided and two-sided specifications; Continuous sampling plans of Dodge type and Wald-Wolfiwitz type and their properties
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Operations Research

Unit I
Definition and scope of Operational Research; phases in Operations Research; models and their solutions; decision–making under uncertainty and risk, use of different criteria; The structure and formation of a linear programming problem, Graphical and simplex procedure, Two phase method and Charne’s M-method.
Unit II
Review of LPP Advanced Linear Programming, Validity Proofs of the Simplex Method , Generalized Simplex Tableau in Matrix Form, Efficient Computational Algorithms, Duality LPP, Goal Programming, A Goal-Programming Formulation, Goal-Programming Algorithms, Integer Linear Programming, Applications of Integer-Programming and Solution Algorithms.
Unit III
Decision Environments, Decision-Making under Certainty, Decision-Making under Risk, Decision under Uncertainty. Concept of games and strategy , Pure and mixed strategies, saddle point of a matrix game, Graphical method, Dominance Principle, LPP method for solving games.
Unit IV
Project Management: PERT and CPM, Basic Differences between PERT and CPM, Steps of PERT/CPM Techniques, PERT/CPM Network Components and Precedence Relationships, Critical Path Analysis, Probability in PERT Analysis Project Time Cost Trade off, Updating of the Project, Resource Allocation.

Procedure to download Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Syllabus  

Following steps should be followed to obtain the PRSU Syllabus from the official web portal-

  • The very first step is to visit the official site of university that is
  • On home page of official site go to “Academic” section and hit “Syllabus” link.
  • After that select the desired course name and hit the link.
  • And finally your will be displayed in front of your computer screen.
  • Download it on your desktop,
  • Lastly, take the print out of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur Syllabus and prepare for exam accordingly.
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Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Syllabus

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University was founded in the year 1964 with a mission to provide better higher education to students including the tribal population of Chhattisgarh. The University was located in Raipur and it offers various disciplines of UP/PG/M.Phil/Ph.D./ diploma Programmes.

To check and analyze the growth of knowledge of the University students, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University conducts annual/semester examination at regular interval of time. Those students who are going to appear in the graduation, post-graduation and other programmes examination, they must check the complete syllabus to gain the details about the topics that are going to come in these examinations.

Get Here – PRSU Raipur Syllabus

And later the University promotes students to next level on the basis of performance in the University semester/annual exams. Concerned students can also obtain the syllabus from the official website by following some of the basic steps.

Stay in touch with our web portal to gain the latest updates about University activities.

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