Syllabus of PPSC Scientific Officer Ballistics:

Conventional Concepts of firearms: Classification and characteristics, various components of small arms, smooth bore and rifled firearms.

Operational features of firearms: Barrel, body, Firing pin, Breech face, trigger, cork, and firing mechanism, measurement of strength of barrel & trigger pull.

Rifled Firearms: Caliber, Rifling, purpose of rifling, types of rifling and methods to produce rifling to produce rifling,

Smooth bore firearms: Bore, Choking& types of choking, Methods of choking purpose of choking, method of choking, purpose of choking.

Illegal firearms: AK-47, SKS and M16/AR15 Assault Rifles Techniques of dismantling / assembling of firearm, improvised / firearm and their constructional features.

Conventional Concepts of Ammunition: Types of ammunition- classification and constructional features of different types of cartridges, types of primers and priming composition, propellants and their compositions, velocity and pressure characteristics under different conditions, various types of bullet and compositional aspects, latest trends in their manufacturing and design projectile, identification of origin, improvised ammunition and safety aspects for handling firearm and ammunition.

Core concepts of Internal Ballistics: Definition, ignition of propellants, shape and size of propellants, manner of burning, various factors affecting the internal ballistics: lock time, ignition time, barrel time, erosion, corrosion and gas cutting, equation of motion of projectile, Density of loading, Pressure, Heat problems, Vibration & jump, Measurement of strength of firearm, projectile velocity determination, theory of recoil, methods for measurement of recoil.

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