Syllabus of Sainik School Entrance Exam Class IX:


• Modern History of India and World History. India in the 18th Century, The Rise and growth of British Rule in India, Policies and Impact of British Rule, Administrative Structure, Revolt Against British Rule, Changes in Economic Life

• British Policies and administration in India After 1857, Religion and Social Reform movement, Struggle for Swaraj, Cultural Awakening, Achievements of Independence, Nationalist Movement from 1923 – 1939, etc.

Geography: Sainik School Entrance Exam Syllabus

• Resources, Types and developments, Agriculture, Human Resources, World Geography, Indian Geography

• Natural Resources – Land, Water, Soil, Minerals, Energy, Plants and wild life.,

• Manufacturing Industries, etc NCERT – Social Science Text Book Class VIII Part I and Part II.


• About United Nations, Natural Disasters – Earthquake, Cyclone, Volcanoes, Floods, Environmental Degradation, Development Issues

• Globalisation, United Nations – International Agencies, Human Rights, India and the United Nations, Foreign Policy of India, India and its Neighbors.

English: Sainik School Entrance Exam Syllabus for Class 9

• Tenses, Letter Writing: Formal and Informal; Comprehension/ Paragraph/ Passage Writing (150 words); Constructing a story from the outlines, Comprehension Passage, Types of Sentences, Antonyms and Synonyms

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• Spelling, Clauses, Sentence Types, Spotting Errors, Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Prepositions, One Word Substitutes, Adjective Forms, Adverb Forms, Comparative and Superlative Degrees, Question Tags and forming sentences with words, etc.

Mathematics: Sainik School Entrance Exam Syllabus

• Squares and square roots of large numbers, Rational Exponents and radicals including negative powers, Cubes and Cube roots, Compound Interest, Division of Polynomials, Profit, loss and discount with percentages

• Algebraic Identities, Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions, Parallel lines and its properties, Circle, Quadrilaterals, Linear equations in one variable including word problems, Perimeter and areas of triangle, Circumference of Circle

• Areas of Plane Figures: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Circle, Statistics, Surface areas and volumes of cube, cone, cylinder, cuboid, sphere and hemisphere, etc.

Sainik School Entrance Exam Class 9 Syllabus:

Modern History of India and World History. India in the 18th Century, The Rise andgrowth of British Rule in India, Policies and Impact of British Rule, AdministrativeStructure, Revolt Against British Rule, Changes in Economic Life

British Policies and administration in India After 1857, Religion and Social Reformmovement, Struggle for Swaraj, Cultural Awakening, Achievements of Independence,Nationalist Movement from 1923 – 1939, etc.

See also  UPSC IAS Prelims Syllabus Civil Services Pre Paper–I, II Exam Syllabus

Geography: Sainik School Entrance Exam Syllabus
Resources, Types and developments, Agriculture, Human Resources, World Geography, Indian Geography
Natural Resources – Land, Water, Soil, Minerals, Energy, Plants and wild life.,Manufacturing Industries, etc NCERT – Social Science Text Book Class VIII Part I and Part II.

About United Nations, Natural Disasters – Earthquake, Cyclone, Volcanoes, Floods,Environmental Degradation, Development Issues
Globalisation, United Nations – International Agencies, Human Rights, India and the United Nations, Foreign Policy of India, India and its Neighbors.
English: Sainik School Entrance Exam Syllabus for Class 9

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