Title: State Bank of India (SBI) Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern & Syllabus

State Bank of India (SBI) Trade Apprentice
State Bank of India (SBI) Trade Apprentice
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State Bank of India (SBI) Trade Apprentice
State Bank of India (SBI) Trade Apprentice
Answer Key
Name of OrganisationState Bank of India (SBI)
Name of PostsTrade Apprentice
Official WebsiteState Bank of India (SBI)
Recruitment DetailsState Bank of India
Type of TestObjective Type
Test ModeOnline (Computer Based Test – CBT)

Trade Apprentice Pattern

Duration: 60 Mint

S.No.SubjectNo.of QuestionMark
1General Awareness2525
2General English2525
3Quantitative Aptitude2525
4Reasoning Ability2525

Trade Apprentice Syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude: Decimals and Fractions, Mensuration, Relationship Between Numbers, Discount, Partnership, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Time & Distance,  Use of Tables and Graphs, Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Average, Time & Work.

General Awareness: Sports, Current Affairs – National and International, Awards, Appointments, Book & Authors, News related to Reserve Bank of India, Baking/ Financial Awareness/ Economics News,  Summits, Defense.

General English: Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Verb, Tenses, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Grammar, Idioms & Phrase, Error Correction, Vocabulary, Antonyms, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Synonyms.

See also  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Junior Engineer Exam Syllabus, Pattern & Eligibility Criteria

Reasoning Ability: Data Sufficiency, Logic, Series Completion, Mathematical Operations, Situation Reaction Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Alphabet Test, Coding-Decoding, Analogy, Eligibility Test,  Arithmetical Reasoning, Classification, Logical Venn Diagrams,  Puzzle Test, Theme Detection, Clocks & Calendars, Deriving Conclusions from Passages, Statement – Arguments, Inserting The Missing Character, Number, Ranking & Time Sequence, Statement – Conclusions, Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.

We have provided the Trade Apprentice Exam Syllabus in the form of a pdf. Also, we have mentioned the direct link to download the Trade Apprentice Pattern Pdf by using the below link free of cost.


Will there be Negative Marking?

There will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question that is answered wrongly.

How will the Final Merit be Prepared?

The final merit will be prepared on the basis of the details provided by the candidate through the application and the marks scored in the written test.

What is the Required Education Qualification for SBI Apprentice?

The candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university/institute.

What is the Selection Procedure for SBI Apprentice?

A candidate needs to clear the written test, language test, and finally, a medical test to be selected for the post of SBI Apprentice.

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