PAPER I: MCQ and Conventional type

General English – The question will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and command of the English Language and workman like use of words. The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows:

1. Comprehension of given passage

2. Precise writing

3. Usages and Vocabulary

4. Short Essay

5. Translation

General Knowledge –Knowledge of current events of local, national and international importance and such other matter which a person is expected to be aware of. Knowledge of current events of National and International Importance and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on Modern History (from 1857 onwards) of India, Indian Culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy and Geography of India of such mature as candidates should be able to answer without special study and question on the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

PAPER II: MCQ and Conventional type

The questions will cover areas of knowledge of the following subject and topics:-

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1. Language and Hearing Sciences

2. Human Anatomy

3. Physiology

4. Psychology

5. Phonetics + Phonology Electives

6. Acoustics

7. ENT

8. Anatomy

9. Pathology

For More Details: Click Here

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