SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus
SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus

SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus

SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus of Application Writing

So for application writing the most important points that one should keep in mind are, the selection of the Subject, opening paragraph, body and closing paragraph.

List Of Expected Topics for Letters

  • Write an Application for the post of a manager / clerk / assistant / etc. in a company.
  • Write a Letter to postpone date of joining
  • Write a Letter to accept a job opportunity.
  • Write a Letter to reject a job opportunity.
  • Write a Letter to reschedule an Interview date due to unavoidable circumstance.
  • Write a Letter to present views on effect of digitisation on today’s youth.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on Demonetisation.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on Women Empowerment.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on Education beyond classroom teaching.
  • Write a Complain letter regarding increase noise pollution in your locality.
  • Write a Complain letter regarding recent articles in a popular newspaper being based only on Bollywood stars rather than relevant and important news.
  • Write a Complain letter regarding trouble faced by common people due to demonetisation.
  • Write a Complain letter mentioning chaotic state of traffic near your locality.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on ‘Nature and its protection’.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on Corruption
  • Write a Letter to present your views on ‘scarcity on water’.
  • Write a Letter to present your views on road accident.
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SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus of Precis Writing

Precis is a summary or abstract of a text or speech. It is about writing short paragraph in your own words. Some important points regarding the Precis Writing are:

  • Miniature version of the original passage
  • must have a title
  • should be written in reported speech
  • Must not contain any details not found in the original passage etc.

30+ Topics from Which Above Mentioned Exam Design

IntoleranceThe GST bill
Women EmpowermentDemonetizations
GlobalizationCorruption / Terrorism
Gandhi’s three MonkeysUnified Payment Interface (UPI)
Right To InformationDemocracy
Violence and PeaceOne Right One Pension (OROP)
Technological RevolutionGlobal Warming
Digital Payments or E-walletSexual Harassment
Gender DecriminationSeventh Pay Commission
IntoleranceUnion Budget 2018
India Pakistan China RelationsDisruptive Technologies role in World
Environment PollutionEarthquake
Right To EqualityKashmir Issue
Importance of EducationReservation of women in Parliament
FDI In IndiaUdaan Scheme
Scams In IndiaISRO Launched 20 Satellites
PradhanMantri Jan DhanYojana (PMJDY)Make In India
The Surgical Strike

SSC CGL Tier 3 Descriptive Paper Pattern

  • This descriptive paper comprises of Essay/Passage Writing of 250 words and application/Letter writing of 150 words.
  • Descriptive Paper is Bilingual i.e., you can choose to write the Paper either in Hindi or in English.
  • The Total weightage of descriptive Paper is 100 marks having 1 hour duration
  • The minimum Qualifying marks in this paper is 33%.
  • Paper is to be attempted in English or Hindi only.
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Mode of PaperPen and Paper
Duration of PaperOne hour
Qualifying Marks33 percent
LanguageHindi or English
Difficulty level10+2 Standard
Total Marks100

SSC CGL 2 Tier-III Preparation Tips

Apart from SSC CGL Tier 3 Syllabus, you need to do some additional preparation of the exam. In order to crack SSC CGL Tier-III exam you are required to follow below mentioned points. In SSC CGL Tier-III, you need to do practice of Essay Writing, Precise Writing and Letter Writing.

  • The candidates should read the newspaper daily.
  • The newspaper reading will also add more words in the Vocabulary of the candidates.
  • After reading the newspaper, the candidates should write on a topic to improve their writing skills
  • The candidates should practice the writing of Formal & Informal letters.
  • The candidates should have the idea of the format of Formal & Informal Letter.
  • For Precise writing, the candidates should always try to write the important information only with the best suitable heading of the topic.

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