TNPSC Junior Inspector Exam Pattern

TNPSC Junior Inspector Syllabus
General Studies
- Indian culture
- Modern Indian culture
- Social Justice
- Governance
- Constitution
- Polity
- Economic Development
- Disaster Management
- Environmental
- Internal Relations
- Technology
- History of the World
- Indian Society
- Security
- Bio-Diversity
- Compound Interest.
- Profit and Loss.
- Mixtures and Allegations.
- Partnership
- Indices and Surds.
- Problems on Trains.
- Areas
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Odd Man Out.
- Percentages
- Decimals and Fractions.
- Averages
- Numbers and Ages.
- Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F.
- Square Roots.
- Mixture and Allegations.
- Problems on Numbers.
- Simple Equations.
- Volume and Surface Area,
- Percentages
- Compound Interest.
- Interest
- Probability
- Relationships between Numbers.
- Time and Distance.
- Boats and Streams.
- Partnership Business.
- Problems on Trains.
- Discount
Mental Ability
- National and International events Importance
- General Science
- Current affairs – international, national and regional.
- Day to day life Contemporary Developments in Science & Technology and Information Technology
- Indian National Movement.
- Social- economic and political history of modern India
- Indian Polity and Governance
- Constitutional issues
- Public policy
- Reforms
- e-governance initiatives.
- Indian Geography with a focus on Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since 1947.
- Disaster management
- Vulnerability profile
- Prevention,
- Application of Remote Sensing
- GIS in the assessment of Disaster
- Mitigation strategies
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Logical reasoning,
- Analytical ability, and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis:
- Basic data analysis
- Interpretation
- Visual representation of data
- Tabulation of data
- Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Social, Cultural, Economic, Political, and legal implications/problems like:
- Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
- The task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
- The impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
- Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.
- Implications for financial resources of state government.
- AP Reorganization ACT, 2014 on AP and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.
- Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
- Challenges in building a new capital and its financial implications.
- Loss of capital city
- A socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
General English
- Antonym.
- Antonyms & Synonyms etc.
- Sentence Structure.
- Parts of Speech.
- Vocabulary.
- Comprehension.
- Direct/Indirect Speech.
- Vocabulary.