UPSSSC Syllabus
UPSSSC Syllabus

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019 for Junior Engineer (JE), Lower Subordinate, VDO, Steno Examination has been available on this page. Candidates can download the PDF of UPSSSC Syllabus and Exam pattern from here.

UPSSSC JE Syllabus

UPSSSC Syllabus for Computer Knowledge

Basics of ComputerBasic Computer Terminology
Computer FundamentalsUses of Computer
Computer toolsBasic internet knowledge and protocols
Network Basics

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019 for Junior Engineer Mechanical Engineering

Theory of MachinesThermodynamics
Structural EngineeringAutomobile Engineering
Manufacturing TechnologyStrength of Materials
Fluid MechanicsHeat Engines
HydraulicsIndustrial Engineering & Management etc.

UPSSSC Syllabus for Electrical Engineering

Basics of Electrical EngineeringAnalog & Digital Circuits
Power SystemsUtilization of Electrical Energy
Control SystemsPower Electronics & Drives
Electrical Machines etc.

UPSSSC JE Syllabus 2019 UP Civil Engineering

Quantity SurveyingSurveying
Irrigation EngineeringSoil Mechanics
HydraulicsEngineering Mechanics
Building MaterialsDesign of Structures
Environmental EngineeringTransportation Engineering etc.

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019 for Reasoning

Number SeriesNon-Verbal Series
Coding-DecodingArithmetical Reasoning
Number RankingBlood Relations
DirectionsAlphabet Series
Cubes and DiceClocks & Calendars
AnalogyMirror Images
Decision MakingEmbedded Figures etc.

UPSSSC JE Exam Syllabus for English/ Hindi

VerbsTenses, Active and Passive
Active and Passive voicesubject-verb Agreement
ConnectorsTypes of sentences
Direct and Indirect speechComparison

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019 for General Awareness

Indian ConstitutionIndian Economy
Current Events – National & InternationalScience & Technology
Indian PolityIndian Culture & Heritage
Indian GeographyIndian History
IT & Space

UPSSSC JE Exam Pattern

See also  Himachal Pradesh Post Office Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Postman (Mail Guard)

The examination will comprise two papers i.e. Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper I comprises questions from General Hindi& English and General Ability, GK, Computer Knowledge. 150 Minutes will be provided for Paper I while candidates have to solve the Paper 2 within 120 Minutes.

In Paper II, questions will be asked from Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (Building Materials, Thermal Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Fluid Machine & Machinery).

Total 375 questions of 750 marks will be asked in the examination.

Paper NumberName of the SubjectsTotal
Paper 1IGeneral Hindi& English7575150 Minutes
IIGeneral Ability, GK, Computer Knowledge100300
ICivil Engineering, Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering(Building Materials, Thermal Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Fluid Machine & Machinery)
125375120 Minutes
Grand Total375750
2nd StagePersonal Interview250
Total Marks1000

UPSSSC JE Exam Dates

  • Starting date for UPSSSC Junior Engineer Online Registration: 30-10-2018
  • Closing date for UPSSSC JE Online Registration: 30-11-2018
  • Last Date of Edit UPSSSC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2018 Application Form: 07-12-2018

UPSSSC Agriculture Technician Syllabus 2019

General KnowledgeGeography of India, Political Science, Important Dates, National news (current),International issues, Tribes, Economic issues in India, Indian Culture, Famous Places ,New inventions ,Sculptures ,Science and innovations, Scientific observations About India and its neighboring countries, National current affairs, International current affairs, Countries and capitals, World organizations, Famous Places in India, Tourism spots of Historical Importance ,Books And Author, Handicrafts ,Music & Literature, National Dance, Artists ,Musical Instruments etc
Hindiतत्सम एवं तद्भव देशज विदेशी (शब्द भंडार),शब्द-रूप ,विलोम शब्द ,अर्थबोध,पर्यायवाची शब्द,वर्तनीअनेकार्थी शब्द,हिंदी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँ,मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ,संधि, समास,रसवाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द निर्माण,क्रियाएँ,शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना अर्थ, लोकोक्तियां एवं मुहावरे, अलंका ,हिंदी वर्णमाला विराम, चिन्ह, वाक्यसंशोधन- लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से संबंधित
General ScienceNatural Products and Drugs ,Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics, Organic reaction mechanism and Stereochemistry, Poisons and Pesticides, Organometallic compounds, Bioinorganic chemistry, and PolymersNuclear Chemistry, ElectrochemistryAnalytical Chemistry and Instrumental methods
ArithmeticsProbability, Quadratic Equations ,Volumes, Odd Man Out, Boats and Streams, Races and Games, Problems on Numbers, Numbers and Ages, Time and Distance, AveragesMensuration, Simplification and Approximation, Ratio and Proportion Simple Interest, Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F, Profit and Loss, Pipes and Cisterns, Compound Interest, Indices and Surds
Simple Equations, Permutations and Combinations, Time and Work Partnership, Problems on Trains, Areas
Percentages, Mixtures and Allegations

UPSSSC Agriculture Technician Exam Pattern

See also  CWE VI IBPS RRB (Prelims & Mains) IBPS RRB Officers Scale I II III Syllabus and Exam Pattern
General Intelligence Test (सामान्य बुद्धि परीक्षण)50100
General Knowledge (सामान्य ज्ञान )50100
General Science & Arithmetic (सामान्य विज्ञान एवं अंकगणित )50100
सामान्य हिंदी50100

UPSSSC Lower Subordinate Syllabus

As per UPSSSC Lower Subordinate Recruitment Notice, examination is scheduled to be start at 10.00 am and over till 12.30 pm. Contenders, participating in UPSSSC Lower Subordinate Exam can download their Admit Card in the month of July 2019.

UPSSSC Lower Subordinate Services – General Intelligence Syllabus

Logical Venn DiagramsSituation Reaction Test
Statement – ArgumentsLogic
AnalogyPuzzle Test
ClassificationAlphabet Test
Eligibility TestData Sufficiency
Theme DetectionCoding-Decoding
Series CompletionClocks & Calendars
Direction Sense TestStatement – Conclusions
Arithmetical ReasoningMathematical Operations
Logical Sequence of WordsAlpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle
Inserting The Missing CharacterNumber, Ranking & Time Sequence
Deriving Conclusions from Passages

UPSSSC Combined Lower Subordinate Services – Quantitative Ability Syllabus

Profit and LossMensuration
Use of Tables & GraphsRatio and Time
Number SystemsFractions Numbers
Whole NumbersDecimals
Ratios and ProportionsFundamental Arithmetical Operations
Time and DistanceTime and Work etc
Arithmetical Number SeriesNon-verbal series etc

UPSSSC Combined Lower Subordinate Services – General Studies Syllabus

  • Globalization
  • Natural Resources
  • Environment
  • Indian Agriculture, Trade & Commerce
  • Indian Polity
  • Indian History
  • Indian Constitution
  • Indian National Movement
  • General Knowledge
  • Geography – World, India
  • Population Density
  • Indian Culture & Heritage
  • Current Events – National & International
  • UP – Education, Culture, Agriculture, Trade, Commerce, Social Issues, etc
See also  UP Seva Mandal Syllabus Asst Manager, Clerk, Cashier Exam Pattern

UPSSSC Lower Subordinate Exam Pattern 2019

  • The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
  • There will be two papers for written exam.
  • Paper-1 and Paper-2 will carry 300 and 50 marks respectively.
  • The duration for Paper-1 and Paper-2 will be 02:30 hours (150 minutes) and 01:00 hour (60 minutes) respectively.
  • There shall be no negative marking.
  • There will also be an Interview of 50 marks.
SubjectNumber of QuestionMarkTime Duration
First paper    02 Hours
Part I General Intelligence Test2550
Part 2 General Knowledge5010
Part 3 General Science/ Arthmetic75150
Second paper
General Hindi255001 Hours

UPSSSC Syllabus of Gram Panchayat Adhikari and VDO

Contenders can check Complete UPSSSC VDO Syllabus and UPSSSC Gram Panchayat Adhikari Syllabus by moving their cursor downwards on this page easily.

UPSSSC VDO Syllabus for General Knowledge

Current Events – National & InternationalIndian Culture & Heritage
Indian HistoryUP Culture & Heritage
Indian PolityIndian Geography
Indian ConstitutionScience & Technology
Indian EconomyIT & Space etc

UPSSSC Syllabus 2019 VDO for Arithmetical Ability

AveragesProfit and Loss
Problems on AgesTime & Work
InterestPipes & Cisterns
Time & DistanceBoats & Streams
Data Interpretation etc

VDO Syllabus for General Intelligence

JudgementSpace visualization
Visual memoryAnalysis
ObservationDecision making
Arithmetical ReasoningDiscrimination
Arithmetical number seriesRelationship concepts
Verbal and figure classification etc—-

UPSSSC Exam Pattern of Gram Panchayat Adhikari and VDO

  • The written test will consist of the objective type multiple choice questions.
  • The candidates shall be expected to have a general and basic overview of the above subjects and also the ability to answer questions based on practical application.
  • 80 Questions of 1 marks each. Total time allotted will be 120 minutes.
  • There will be no negative marking in the written test, for questions wrongly answered or questions not answered.
Name of SubjectsNo of QuestionsMarks
General Hindi2020
General Knowledge2020
Rural Development2020

Physical Test

Aspirants who passed written test will eligible for physical test. The physical tests are following such as given:

1 Mile Running

Physical Exercise, Pushups

Long Jump

  • 4 Miles Bicycle Race.
  • 2 Miles Walking.

UPSSSC Samaj Kalyan Adhikari Syllabus 2019

UPSSSC Yuva Kalyan Adhikari Syllabus 2019 for Mathematics

Square & Square RootCube & Cube Root
Algebraic expressionsCommunity Mathematics
Problems of TeachingPlace of Mathematics in Curriculum
The language of MathematicsGraph
Nature of Mathematics/ Logical thinking.Evaluation
Remedial TeachingEquations
InterestRatio and Proportion
Plane figuresFactors
Area of Plane FiguresLines and Angles
Surface Area and VolumeStatistics

UPSSSC VyayamShikshak Syllabus 2019 for Aptitude

Permutation and combinationLogarithms
Profit and lossTime, Speed and Distance
Bar chartPie Chart
SimplificationPipe and Cistern

UPSSSC Syllabus for Reasoning

Matching DefinitionsMaking Judgments
Theme DetectionCause and Effect
Statement and ArgumentLogical Deduction
Number seriesLetter and Symbol Series
Verbal ClassificationEssential Part
AnalogiesArtificial Language
Verbal ReasoningLogical Problems
Statement and Conclusion

UP Vyayam Parshikshak Syllabus 2019 for General Knowledge

Inventions in the WorldSports
Indian EconomyBasic Computer
Indian HistoryFamous Days & Dates
Famous Books & AuthorsBotany
Indian PoliticsChemistry
GeographyIndian Parliament
EnvironmentIndian Culture

UP SSSC Kshetriya Yuva Kalyan Adhikari Syllabus 2019 for General English

Sentence StructureConnectors
Types of SentencesTypes of Phrases and Clause
Direct & Indirect SpeechComparison
ModalActive and Passive Voice
Subject-verb ConcordNon-finite verb forms

UPSSC Syllabus 2019 for General Awareness

  • Budget and Five Year Plans
  • Books and Authors
  • Important Days etc.
  • Awards and Honours
  • Sports
  • Science – Inventions and Discoveries
  • Abbreviations
  • Current Affairs (National and International)
  • Major Financial / Economic News

UPSSSC Samaj Kalyan Adhikari Exam Pattern

  • Duration of the Samaj Kalyan Adhikari written examination will be 2 hours.
  • There will be 100 questions asked from General Reasoning, General English, General Knowledge and General Maths topics in the examination.
  • Written examination will be conducted as objective type paper.
Type of the Exam Name of the SubjectNo of Marks
Written (objective)General Reasoning100
General English
General Knowledge
General Maths

Stenographer Written Exam

Exam Pattern for the Stenographer written Exam is as follows:-

  • The written test will be Multiple Choice Objective Type.
  • Time duration for written test will be 01:30 hours (90 minutes).
  • There will also be a typing test of qualifying nature after written test
Sr. No.SubjectNo. of QuestionsMax. Marks
1.Hindi Insight & Writing Ability4020
2.General Intelligence Test2010
3.General Knowledge2010

List of Books To Prepare for Stenographer Exam:

Here are some most recommended books which are advised by most of the authors to prepare smartly with appropriate time table and step by step preparation for the written exam. These books not only help in preparing for the exam but also give important tips and tricks to crack exam.

  • SSC Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination Solved Papers
  • SSC Stenographer (Grade C & D) Recruitment Exam
  • Competition In Focus Current Affairs Yearly issue
  • Objective Hindi

UPSSSC Stenographer Syllabus

Hindi Insight & Writing AbilityThis section includes :

Tatsam & Tadbhav
Lokokti and Muhavre
Anekarthi Shabd
General IntelligenceIIt would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type.
The test will include questions on:analogies,
similarities and differences,
space visualization,
problem solving,
decision making,
visual memory,
discriminating observation,
relationship concepts,
verbal and figure classification,
arithmetical number series,
Non-verbal series etc.
The test will also include questions designed to test the candidates’ abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.
General KnowledgeQuestions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society.
Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person.
The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution and Scientific Research etc.
These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
This is topic is huge so applicants are advised to go through Newspaper daily and read good GK books and other notes.

Conductor Exam Pattern

The written exam will be of 2 hours and consists of 150 questions. The maximum marks of the exam are 300 and the paper will be divided in 4 parts.

PartsSubjectNumber of questionsMarks
Part – 1Reasoning3060
Part – 2General knowledge3060
Part – 3Hindi50100
Part – 4Maths4080

List of Books To Prepare for Conductor Exam:

These are the books which are mostly advised by the many authors to crack Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC) Exam for the post of Conductor. The Below provided list of books are most recommended for UPSSC Exams:

  • Magical Book On Quicker Maths
  • Popular Hindi Vyakaran (GENERAL HINDI)
  • General Knowledge
  • General Intelligence and Test of Reasoning

UPSSSC Conductor Syllabus

ReasoningThe purpose of this is the ability to test the candidate’s understanding of a new situation, analyze and identify its various elements.
The reasoning will be based on relationship, similarities, pattern analyze and other simple reasoning questions.
Questions in this test will be based on the Understanding and explore instructions, relationships, similarities, consistent, conclusions and actions etc.
Questions will be asked from the topics:Analogies
similarities and differences
spatial visualization
spatial orientation
problem solving
decision making
visual memory
relationship concepts
arithmetic reasoning
verbal and figure classification
arithmetical number series
non-verbal series
coding and decoding
statement conclusion
syllogistic reasoning
General knowledgeThis part of UPSSSC Conductor Exam question paper is to assess the candidates’ ability regarding general knowledge about his/her surroundings and about its use in society.
This section contains common general knowledge questions about India and Indian Society.
Candidates need to have knowledge of current affairs also.
Basic history and geography question can also be asked.
In this test such a question which will be kept to check current events and everyday science and the facts of experience which may include historical and geographical facts.
(Specially Related to India) and judged them to the knowledge of the scientific aspects, which can be expected of any educated person.
Question may also be asked from Indian History, Indian Polity, Current Events, Geography, Economy etc.
Focus will be on Current national & International events, banking, sports etc.
HindiThe questions will be asked from the candidates to test their knowledge of Hindi Language and comprehension:
हिंदी वर्णमाला
विराम चिन्ह
शब्द रचना
वाक्य रचना
अनेकार्थी शब्द
विलोम शब्द
पर्यायवाची शब्द
मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
तत्सम एवं तद्भव
विदेशी (शब्द भंडार)
हिंदी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँ
उ.प्र. की मुख्य बोलियाँ
Level of Mathematics will be of High School Level.
Focus will be on Area, Menstruation.
Detailed Syllabus is as follows :
Arithmetic & StatisticsNumber System, Percentage, Profit Loss, Statistics, Classification of Facts, Frequency, Frequency Distribution, Tabulation, Cumulative Frequency. Formulation of Facts, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Central measurement: Parallel Mean, Median & Mode.
AlgebraLCM & HCF, Relation between LCM & HCF, Simultaneous equations, Quadratic Equations, Factors, Area theorem.
GeometryTriangle & Pythagoras Theorem, Rectangle, Square, Trapezium, The perimeter & Area of the parallelogram, perimeter & Area of Circle.

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