Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service  recruits  posts of Officers . Here we discuss about the syllabus & Exam pattern of this examination.

Exam Pattern : The examination for U. P. Higher Judicial Service (Main) will include the following subjects:

Paper I – General Knowledge
No. of Marks : 200
Duration : 3 Hours

Paper II – Language
No. of Marks : 200
Duration : 3 Hours

Paper III – Law-I (Substantive Law)
No. of Marks : 200
Duration : 3 Hours

Paper IV – Law II (Procedure & Evidence)
No. of Marks : 200
Duration : 3 Hours

Paper V – Law III (Penal, revenue & Local Laws)
No. of Marks : 200
Duration : 3 Hours

Interview – 100 Marks

Syllabus For the U. P. Higher Judicial Service (Main) Examination :

  • General Knowledge : There will be a paper of “General Knowledge”. The paper may include questions based on topics relating to History of India and Indian Culture, Geography of India, Indian Polity, current national issues and topics of social relevance, India and the World, Indian Economy,International Affairs and institutions and development in the field of Science & Technology, communication and space.
  • Language : It shall comprise four questions as specified below :
  1. Essay to be written in English
  2. English Precis Writing
  3. Translation of Passage from Hindi to English
  4. Translation of Passage from English to Hindi
  • Law-I (Substantive Law) : The Law of Contracts, the Law of Partnership, the Law concerning easements and torts, the Law relating to transfer of property including the principles of equity specifically applicable thereto, the principle of equity with special reference to the law of trust and specific relief, Hindu Law and Mohammedan Law, and Constitutional Law.
  • Law II (Procedure & Evidence) : The Laws of Evidence, The Criminal Procedure Code and Code of Civil Procedure, including the principles of pleading. The questions set will relate mainly to practical matters such as the framing of charges and issues, the methods of dealing with the evidence of witnesses, the writing of judgment of session trials, appeals, revision and the conduct of cases generally but will not be restricted to them.
  • Law III (Penal, revenue & Local Laws) : Indian Penal Code, the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act 1951, Uttar Pradesh Urban Buildings (Regulation of Letting, Rent and Eviction) Act 1972. U.P. Municipalities Act, U.P. Panchayat Raj Act, U.P. Consolidation of Holdings Act, U.P. Urban (Planning and Development) Act 1973, together with rules framed under the aforesaid Acts.
See also  CWE VI IBPS RRB (Prelims & Mains) IBPS RRB Officers Scale I II III Syllabus and Exam Pattern

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