West Bengal Postal Circle
West Bengal Postal Circle

West Bengal Postal Circle – Postman & Mailguard Exam Syllabus, Pattern & Eligibility Criteria

Scheme of the Examination for Postman & Mailguard Examination
The Examination will be conducted in online Aptitude Test of the level of 10th class/matriculation
ModeComputer Based Examination Objective Type Multiple Choice
West Bengal Postal Circle Postman & Mailguard CBT Exam Pattern
SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarksTime
General Knowledge25 Questions25 Marks120 Minutes 
Mathematics25 Questions25 Marks
English25 Questions25 Marks
Regional Language25 Questions25 Marks
Total100 Question100 Marks
The minimum qualifying marks to be obtained in each part of the Aptitude Test.
10 marks in each part and 40% in aggregate for Unreserved candidates (OC)
9 marks in each part and 37% in aggregate for OBC
8 marks in each part and 33% in aggregate for SC/ST
Syllabus For Postman & Mailguard CBT Examination
General Knowledge
Geography, Indian History, freedom struggle, Culture & Sports, General Polity & Constitution of India, Economics, General Science, Current Affairs & Reasoning and analytical ability of 10th Standard.
Number Systems, Computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationship between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentage, ratio & proportion, profit & Loss, simple interest, average, discount, partnership, time & work, time & distance, use of tables and graphs, mensuration.
Articles, prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms & antonyms, vocabulary, sentences structure, proverbs, phrases, questions from a small unseen passage etc.
Regional Language (Hindi)
Shabd pad, Kriyabhed, mishr & sanyukt vakya, vakyo ka rupantaran, swarsandhi, alankar, samas, muhavare &
lokoktiyan ashudh vakya shodhan, apathit, gadyansh.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must passed 12th standard or its equivalent from recognized Board.Age Limit – 18 to 27 years
See also  Detailed APPSC Group-III service Examination Syllabus

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